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Trouble with a Terminal Script Fragment Calling a Quest Script Function


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Hi Folks,


i have a simple one line command in a Terminal to call a script function in a Quest Script when a menu item is selected using the Terminal. This is all part of using a holotape with menus to obtain information about a group of actors.


HHQuest.setupSlaveList(1, 1)


The Terminal Script Fragment compiles but does not actually work in game. It does not call the Quest script function setupSlaveList().


HHQuest is defined in the Terminal Fragment properties as GrimGrim31:_MY_HHQuestScript Property HHQuest Auto Const Mandatory


setupSlaveList is a function in my Quest script Scriptname GrimGrim31:_MY_HHQuestScript extends Quest Conditional


The Quest script is attached to a quest _HHSQuest that is used for the alias that a terminal fills whenever the holotape is used.


Has anyone used a Terminal Script Fragment to call a function in another script? What am I doing wrong?


EDIT: I checked the Papyrus Log and it shows the function getting called but not executed because "Cannot call setupSlaveList() on a None object, aborting function call". So it appears that the fragment is not able to reference my Quest script??


Solved: I had to fill the property. I kept trying the dropdown arrow instead of just clicking the big ol' Properties button squarely in its center. SMDH Thanks due to Niston for pointing me in the right direction!

Edited by GrimGrim31
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I use them all the time and fully qualify the calls like this;


Quest Property pQuestName Auto Const Mandatory


(pQuestName as QuestScriptName).ScriptFunction()


Dunno how namespaces map into that as I dont use 'em tho.

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