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Hello everyone :)
When I start fire in the diamond city or when I fight the triggermen there, normal npc's are acting like nothing happens even when bullets are floating a few inches next to their heads. They are not scared or they don't panic or whatever they should be doing when something like this happens. Security also don't do anything. Its like:
- Hey officer, someone wants to kill me, could you give me a hand?
- No sir, I just want a beer and my slippers after this shift thats all I ask for.. but I have a word of advice for you - never call your mother a synth unless she is one, yikes, also have you seen that brotherhood blimp over there? You know who also can fly a blimp? A synth...

(me killing the last triggerman)
- What just happened?!

(now the whole town wants me dead...)
So my question is... Is there any mod that could fix that and improve npc's AI? So the npc's could act normal and be scared of shooting and stuff like that? Because now it really is breaking the whole fun of it.
Or maybe if there isn't any mod like this, maybe someone could make one, of course if thats not a problem :)
Best regards :)

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