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Three Dog Won't Talk About Me


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Okay, so I went back to a point after I beat Take It Back! to make sure it wasn't Broken Steel, as I came out of that right as I reached level 19. Three Dog will report my exploits until level 20 and then nothing. I worked a long time to stabilize my game (which is a considerable accomplishment for this broken-ass trainwreck of a PC port), made sure the textures, scripts, et cetera ran okay, and now it seems that this is the one hurdle I can't get past. I have the Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch. I have an ArchiveInvalidation.txt file (though I'm pretty sure that's mostly for textures). I have the script extender, the command extender, my game doesn't crash or lag or run out of memory all the time; my game seems to run normally all except for this problem.


Occasionally, he'll talk about my level, then mention something from Broken Steel. He doesn't even talk about Megaton anymore, which he used to never shut up about. All he reports these days (level 25) is Broken Steel quest reports, me poking around some caves out west, and generic reports like the raiders at Evergreen Mills or the Outcasts taking potshots at the GNR building. I'm pretty sure this is an old, specific, known bug and I have no idea why it hasn't been fixed anywhere, but apparently it isn't. So I need help. If I have to, I'll fix it myself in the GECK or something if anyone would be able to tell me how - but I'd prefer there be some easier way. I still have a lot of game left and the Dashwood dramas are annoying me more than Butcher Pete at this point. I'd really appreciate any help that can be offered. Thanks.


Here's my load order:


0 0 Fallout3.esm
1 1 Anchorage.esm
2 2 ThePitt.esm
3 3 BrokenSteel.esm
4 4 PointLookout.esm
5 5 Zeta.esm
6 6 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
7 7 FO3_WRP.esp
8 8 Mesmetron Works on Everyone.esp
9 9 Omegared99-ENB Transparency Fix.esp
10 a CleanerSettlements.esp
11 b Goodies.esp
12 c URWLENB-002-Interiors.esp
13 d Fellout-Full.esp
14 e Fellout-Anchorage.esp
15 f Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp
16 10 PersonalTerminal.esp
17 11 Fellout-PointLookout.esp
18 12 Fellout-Zeta.esp
19 13 Fellout-pipboylight.esp
20 14 Dad's legacy.esp
21 15 Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro.esp
22 16 GasMask.esp
24 18 MCGrass.esp
25 19 Flora Overhaul.esp
26 1a MCRockTextures.esp
27 1b PaulsonsPeacemaker.esp
28 1c LeatherBackpack - eng.esp
29 1d UniqueWeaponsRetextured.esp
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