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The Empire of Calradia - A Mount&Blade RP


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Cameron looked sidelong at Beowulf. "We don't have the men to split our forces three ways, and we have very little practical use for a longship, even with the rivers here. I'll not have ten men out lugging a glorified hunk of firewood across the land just to have it- and all aboard it- torched by some drunken townsman with a flammable object. You'll be trudging along on foot with the rest of the infantry. The very fact that you know who the bandits are...raises some questions best answered on a later occasion. Presently we have to get moving. We'll stick with the original plan: travel together, divide our forces at the hill, clear out whatever bandits and criminals we find, and diplomatically-" He glared at Hroar. "-win the favor of the villages. Let's go." He replaced turned around, but then turned back. "Somebody wake the smith...Nikov. He's leading the infantry, I'll lead the cavalry."


Relaying orders to every man he passed, it wasn't long before Cameron managed to get somebody to start shouting at people to prepare for a march. People began putting on armor, preparing weapons, and finding their groups. Cameron was among the first of the horsemen to find himself on the field in full armor, standing in his closest guess to a commanding position in front of the cavalry who poured out of the castle. As they lined up, and as the infantry was getting organized, he bellowed out the battle plans- and reasons behind them, for the skeptics- to the army.


"We'll be moving together as one group until we reach the hills. The cavalry break off from the main force and head west, wiping out all bandits surrounding Gisim. The infantry will continue straight ahead and eliminate bandits around Buillin. In doing do, we will attempt to earn their favor and allegiance for the coming days." He shouted, and turned around on the back of his Charger. Beckoning with his plain steel lance, he began 'leading' the army south, wishing that Claressa was here to actually inspire them.


It was a sudden march with Cameron leading it, so when the initial plan of splitting up went off without a hitch, it was a pleasant and unexpected surprise. Declaring Nikov in charge of the infantry, he took the cavalry and split off west, behind the cliffs. Without the footmen to slow them down, they sped up to a steady gallop, speeding down the plains and through a small patch of forest. They encountered a single bandit 'group' along the way armed only with swords and hammers, and as a result barely slowed the army down.Somebody collected all the valuables and weapons on them, and they kept moving. At the rate with which they were moving, it was a mere few hours until the distant smoke trails of a village- namely Gisim - were visible in the distance. With any luck they wouldn't have to invade it.

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Beowulf spat in Cameron's path before taking command of a small group of mostly Nords, many of them wearing heavy leather armor and carrying shields and axes, some carrying bows and arrows. The Huscarl at the command struck his chestplate with his fist when Beowulf and Hroar approached. They had fallen into a rather loose inspection line, these Nords were used to fighting in Ragnar's army and inspection was not natural to them.


Beowulf returned the Nordic salute and stood before them. He watched with a wry smile across his face.


"I agree with you... this formed ranks and discipline is for the Swadian's and Vaegir's." He looked to his brother and smiled. "If any man does somethin' against the rules, give him a half a pint of ale on the spot." He said with a quick smile before ordering his unit to march. The banner of their house was raised aloft, a sword buried into the earth of a battlefield with a great raven perched on the pommel.


Beowulf and Hroar marched behind the cavalry, he glared daggers into Cameron's back and silently swore that he would humiliate the knight. He hated Swadian's, he hated them more then he hated Ragnar and his cowardly ways.


'Calm brother... He is a knight, instead of slittin' his throat we get him where it truly hurts. We prove 'im wrong.' Hroar replied, Beowulf smiled and did a quick head count. twenty heavy infantry and half that of archers. Enough to take a ship, but Beowulf knew his brother was right. Prove the bastard on the horse wrong about them would do more damage then any knife.


"Infantry! Quick March!" He ordered, the heavy infantrymen under his command began the three by three quick march. Three paces walking, three paces running. If maintained the infantry can march a greater distance while using less energy.

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Nikov woke immediately when one of Cameron's men stopped by and told him he'll be leading the infantry to Builin. "Wonderful." Stretching out for moment, the smith began organizing his men, no more than a dozen. It was a motley collection of veterans, a handful of Vaegirs, a few Rhodoks, and some of the Nords that hadn't followed Beowulf and Hroar. He'd take more if he could, but with the garrison already depleted as it was by the other groups, it would have to do. But, he thought as he inspected them with approval, this group is experienced. They'll do.


"Alright, lads," Nikov said, waving them to start heading out and began giving orders. "Fall in and listen up. We have fewer men than the others, so we'll have to be more careful of whatever mess we get into. We'll follow after Cameron's group and let them clear the way for us, then we break off and head to Builin. Understood?" A series of acknowledgements answered him. "Okay, then. Lets pick up the pace a little. Cameron's already ahead of us."


The group came across the remnants of the skirmish the Swadian had run into and saw several looters trying to scavenge what little was left. Nikov ordered the Vaegirs and Rhodoks to attack at range while he and the Nords moved in and engaged at close quarters. It ended as quickly as it began, the looters all dead under their combined effort with no injuries. Well, maybe an injured pride, Nikov thought with annoyance; one of the looters had chucked a rock at him and bruised his arm, much to his chagrin. Banishing the thought, he turned to collecting whatever was left at the scene. Surprisingly, there were a few weapons of decent quality among them, a war scythe and a few spears. Nothing he'd give to veteran soldiers if he wanted to remain on good terms with them, but still in working condition.


Gathering these, Nikov and his men turned away from Cameron's path and began moving towards Builin, the smoke from village cooking fires drifting upwards ahead.

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Due to the unfortunate fate of Monksley's steed, the archer joined Nikov and the rest of the infantry. Before going off, he poured the rest of the wine in his tankard into an empty water skin, and added more to fill it up completely.


The fight with the looters was a nice warmup for Monksley's aim. He had a few head shots in while only being slightly tipsy. He found some extra arrows among the equipment that was carried by the bandits that were decimated by Cameron.


"So...sir...uh...Nikov was it? Any idea on how to gain the trust of the villages? We gonna be patrollin' their town and it's outskirts for them bandits?

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Claressa arrived back at Chalbek Castle long after the others had already left. She was a bit unnerved at the low number of watchmen on the walls, but she felt better knowing that she was adding another fifty men to their ranks. Unfortunately, there were only two Swadian knights in the company, including Sir Joris - the rest were mere militiamen, with barely enough training to make them efficient foot soldiers. She made up her mind to turn them over to Cameron's command as soon as he returned, so he could train them up quickly.

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Danda woke up to find that everyone had left. He made his way to the courtyard to find Lady Claressa arriving with new recruits. He wasn't quite sure where she had got them, but he knew that he was missing out on some fighting.


He ran to the stables and mounted his steed with a swift jump while throwing his right leg over the horse to get into position. He immediately urged the horse into a swift canter, weaving his way through the incoming soldiers and out the gate before moving into a full gallop. It wasn't too difficult to discern the tracks of the cavalry regiment, even at full pace.


He only had to slow down once before he had caught up with the cavalry, moving his way up to the front beside the knight, Cameron.


"Any Khergits in this group? Seems like an awfully stale bunch... Too many Swadians..."

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