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Teleportation Services(Carriage Alternative)


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I was recently going through a play through and realized that while there are a lot of carriage mods there aren't that many "true" carriage alternatives.


What I'm looking for is fairly simple mod wise, not so much lore wise.


Npcs that reside over a portal, you pay them to go to a certain destination, walk into the portal/on the magical circle, get teleported.

Maybe one mage/portal per major town, etc.


I'm also looking for simply mods that teleport you through dialogue without having to interact with the carriage at all.

I had this from some mod, I don't know which and could never find it again afterwards.

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There was a wayshrines mod for SE on the Nexus that would do what it sounds like you want done (it would work like Elder Scrolls Online). Try searching 'wayshrine' on Nexus to see if it comes up. If not, the author might have deleted it due to the change in the Nexus terms of service last year.

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There was a wayshrines mod for SE on the Nexus that would do what it sounds like you want done (it would work like Elder Scrolls Online). Try searching 'wayshrine' on Nexus to see if it comes up. If not, the author might have deleted it due to the change in the Nexus terms of service last year.

Heh. Thanks for the reply this is exactly what I was looking for I'm surprised I didn't bother to google wayshrine's considering the way they function in ESO and dawnguard.

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