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Invisible barriers?


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I am having a problem in dungeons where an invidible door or gate appears at various enterance ways. I will come up to one and there will be no visible door but the option to open door will appear. Even after "opening" the door you cannot move through the space. Sometimes after leaving the dungeon for a while and doing other things or leaving the game all together you can magically go through this invisible barrier. Some however do not want to self correct and I am getting rather frustrated especially in the longer dungeons.


Has anyone else encountered this and even more important has anyone been able to fix this or have a solution to work around it?

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I am having the same problem. The invisible object/barrier seems to occur at several doors for me.

I think I found a way to 'remove' them. I forced another object (something in my inventory) to interact with it. I held the object (an empty bottle in this case) in front of me and waved it around a bit. It seemed to collide with an invisible object(s) and after a couple of swipes the barrier/object was gone!

I will test this some more.


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