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[Mod Request] Playable Goofy


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With things like the Tres Mod Menu letting you play as the other keyblade wielders, and mods that let you play as other characters, it surprises me a little that there's no mods that let you play as Goofy or Donald. I mean, it makes sense, since there's little to work with and it's far easier to put a wielder on another wielder. With that being said, I'd like to request a mod that lets you play as Goofy, our ever helpful MVP. There doesn't need to be any special bells or whistles for this. All I'd like to see is:


- Goofy either made controllable on his own, or his animations and moveset replace Soras (no need for extra attacks or the like)

- Goofy's skills activated through magic shortcuts (Fire activates Bash, Water is Turbo, and Thunder is Tornado)

- In turn, Sora takes Goofy's place in the party (so there aren't 2 Goofs)


As long as these are fulfilled, I'd be happy. Thanks in advance!

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