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How do I take a screenshot in 4k on 1080p monitor. Help [SE]


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I struggling to find the way to take a screenshot in 4k. The first thing I found was original skyrim tutorial on youtube. So i edited the resolution on Skyrimprefs.ini after that i need to find "AddDisplaySuperSamplingResolutions=true" on enblocal.ini but I ended up not found it. It's not even exist. I tried to add the line but it doesn't work And the result is the screen is getting zoomed in a lot bc The only thing that work is the resolution in prefs file but without enb supersampling resolution help I guess. So i tried another method is enable DSR on Nvidia control panel but again DSR options didn't even exist maybe because I use laptop Idk. And the last thing is to use custom resolution on nvidia control panel but the display tag is missing


I tried to search this (enb method) on SE version instead of original one that I found but I've got nothing


My gpu : Gtx 1660ti

And I played on my laptop

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Simple answer is: You can't.


A 1080p monitor cannot display images in 4K

1080p = HD (High Definition)

4K = UHD (Ultra High Definition)


So the maximum resolution that can be displayed by a 1080p screen is 1080p, and not 4K.


However, just because your monitor can't display more than 1080p resolution, doesn't mean your graphics card cannot. But your computer detects the screen resolution that you are connected to, and runs accordingly.

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