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Regarding mUseSceneTalk Layout


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I've been editing my saves to get offline pawns to better suit their role in the party and avoid things like my warrior having Pioneer/Challenger or pawns being complete fashion disasters. To that end, I'm comparing the layout of mUseSceneTalk in the save file with the order on the wiki and they don't line up. This is not a criticism, but it is relevant to my purposes. I haven't found any resources surrounding this and I'm not sure what to search for or what obscure corners to scour, if any. I suppose going entry-by-entry and input-by-input would be possible, but I'd definitely like to expedite the process if at all feasible. I should stress that I play strictly offline on neurotic principle and thus the main determinate for pawns to hire is skills and augments, at least at present.



1) What is the order of the entries under mUseSceneTalk

2) What is the order of the values these entries accept

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