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I'm a Kamen Rider fan


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Like I said, I'm a Kamen Rider fan and I would like to see a Kamen Raide-er, I meant, a Kamen Rider mod on Fallout 4 since I sometimes want something wacky after beating the game without ANY mods (or console commands) last year right after I jumped ship from Sony to PC 2 years ago.




- Kamen Rider (any iteration, but an original design is VERY welcomed)

- Utilizing VATS in the finisher

- Primarily for melee centered builds

- Obtain from a unique Raider (heh) to give that whole "power used in the wrong hands" kind of feel.

- Lore? Experimental "Communist tech" I suppose?

- Maybe utilizing the explosive vents thing from Power Armors for that obligatory explosion effect perhaps?


I'm just snowballin' ideas here. Sorry if I can't reply immediately since if I'm not playing FO4 (and still am), I'm mostly on YouTube.

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