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Image saving and endorsement's?


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I was wondering on nexus do we have a feature to save and view images kinda like the following tab for mods so we can look at the images you liked again like a month later without trying to hunt for it cause I personally thought endorsements done that feature so I would always endorse pics cause some had mods links in them and cool modded playthrough ideas but idk if I'm just a dumbass but I went looking and I found no such tab so my questions is " Is there anyway to save pictures/images on the site so we can view them later? if not it may be a little feature but I think it could be really good to add to this website for ease of use also I understand people might not won't others to save their pics so maybe add a opt out feature every time you post but that's just food for thought :)

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That's not currently a feature of the image share. I think you may be the first person to ever ask for it. We do know that the image share needs some rethinking and will look into it once we migrate it to the new site design. I'm afraid that could be a quite a while away yet though.

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