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Better female faces


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Most of the female faces in the game are kinda ugly. There are very very few exceptions to this, and it doesn't fit the narrative of the game at all. It's like a lot of faces that should have been pretty were deliberately made uglier (as is a common trend for AAA games these days for god knows what reason).

The only hope I see for this ever getting fixed is through a massive mod that would improve the faces of all females in the game.

I don't actually expect anyone to do this, but I saw there was no request for it so I had to add it in because it's one of those things that actually bothered me most about the game for some reason. A lot of those faces may be technically impressive in the sense that they're quite realistic for video game standards, but they're bad in the sense that the faces in this setting should not be realistic in the first place, at least not in this sense. The society in which the game is set should be plastic surgery galore... Especially when looks are as important as they are there.

The male characters I noticed do not have this problem at all, sure there are ugly males, but there's also plenty of pretty boys to go around. And at least some of the ugly ones are ugly in interesting ways at least like the Maelstrom crowd.

Edited by rabcor
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