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Stay away while i build at a settlement


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Hello. i use many companions from quests or not, and while i build stuff at a settlement, they never stop, follow me -well, Heather Casdin and Panzerhund have the intelligence to wait close to the workshop. is very boring to tell them to wait at a point and this can cause the problem, they can't defend their self from enemies.


What is the best case to find, what script, Heather Casdin companion use, and use it to other companions, the game have, or a mod have ?

is so difficult ?


That's all. Thanks.



The only solution i find to that problem is, go to a map or a interior, far away and then, use a console command and travel to another map or point, so i am free from all those companions, but this don't work every time. Well, Heather Casdin, is always welcome and Panzerhund robot companion, because those 2, have the intelligence to wait close to workshop.



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Heyas Romalite :)


Amazing Follower Tweaks has a setting that send companions moving away from you, while you are in workshop mode. It comes in very handy, especially Dogmeat!

AFT will, however, conflict with a lot of other mods that work with companion AI, active companion limits, vanilla companions that have preset places by their mod, of where to send them when dismissed, along with a few other conflicts.

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Thanks for the answer. i see that mod page. it use only 6 companions and i have more. 3 quests, give more than 10 and i use also some other companion mods i really like. So i can't use this Amazing follower tweaks mod. i start the game build settlements, but sometime get boring to be alone. So i add a companion and another and another, and sometime i have with me a lot ! of companions around me while i build, don't stop to give me problems and not give me space to build stuff. That's all and i hope someone solve that problem.

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Heyas Romalight :)

Oh wow, now I really see why you need something like this! That is a lot of mobiles moving around near you!

Ok, so I can see where you are looking at the 6 companion limit, and thinking "This isn't what I need".

AFT has 5 ACTIVE companions. You can still load more, but you only get the very basic functionality from them, as far as their menus, if they are not those 5/6, and designated as "followers".

AFT does however, have options to let you switch which companions are fully active, and which are followers. But I THINK it does apply your custom settings to all of them. Now however the incompatibilities with AFT might make it so that you can't use your other companion alteration mods, so it might still be a "No" in your load order :(

Hmmmm. Back in my PS4 days I had a mod that would make companions go out of range if you bumped into them. But I can't find it for PC :(


Maybe paralysis grenades? :laugh:

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Thanks for all the answers. if i have more than 10 companions and some of them can't dismiss -because how those quests works- and if Heather Casdin companion and Panzerhund robot companion understand to get close to the workshop, while i build ....well, something go...wrong with the behavior of the other companions. They are great to have them with me and hear them, but not so great to bulling me, while i want to build stuff and i have more than 70 settlements to deal. That's all. Thanks.

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Thanks for the help, but i use more than 16 companions -and maybe from time to time i need to have with me more vanilla companions until their own quests, complete- and also i don't like to use the F4SE because it cause so many problems. Thanks.

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Thanks for the help, but i use more than 16 companions -and maybe from time to time i need to have with me more vanilla companions until their own quests, complete- and also i don't like to use the F4SE because it cause so many problems. Thanks.

F$SE doesn't cause any problems... At least, as long as Beth doesn't give us another update. Then there is a day or three wait for the compatible version of F4SE to come out. LOTS of mods use F4SE as well, and a fair few of them, I simply will not play without. (I started using script extenders with Morrowind..... love 'em. :) )


16 or more companions? I think that would drive me absolutely nuts. I have enough issues with ONE. :) I severely dislike them.

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Thanks for the help, but i use more than 16 companions -and maybe from time to time i need to have with me more vanilla companions until their own quests, complete- and also i don't like to use the F4SE because it cause so many problems. Thanks.


So you have more then 16 companions following you and you complain that they get in the way of building? ok...then

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