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Problems with Formlist

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I have defined an empty FormList (created in CK) via property in a script.

Formlist Property Actorlist Auto

It is filled in the script. So far everything is ok.
Then I noticed that the form Entries in the Formlist were wrong (no Actors).
I accidentally referred to a wrong formlist via property (in CK), which had three fixed entries.

I have corrected the property value via CK to the empty FormList.

But in the script this is not taken over and I still have the three entries from the wrong formlist in the formlist.
Even if I delete the formlist via the function 'Actorlist.revert()', the three fixed entries of the previous wrong entries still remain.

I can't get the entries deleted from the formlist. Does anyone have an idea why this is and how I can get my script to point to the new corrected formlist now. Apparently the reference is still to the wrong formlist even though the property value is adjusted.


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It sounds like your script property is still pointing to the wrong formlist. Is it possible your script has both the old and new formlist now? This can certainly happen on fragments (where it is very hard to get rid of an unwanted property). The name of the property has nothing to do with the name of the formlist it is attached to...

Have a look at it in xEdit.

Edited by PJMail
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Thanks for the reply, that's the crazy thing I don't understand. Its not a Fragment Code.

In xEdit is the correct formlist, also in the CK. In the script it is also corrected.
There is no reference to the old formlist. I also compiled the script again to be sure.

Nevertheless the old formlist is still used.
I solved the problem in the meantime by loading an older savegame. With this it works. Apparently the wrong formlist had burned itself into the save.

Unfortunately this is not the first time that I had problems with formlists.

Edited by EagleFour
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As the 'script added' part of the formlist is kept in the Save (and is erased via the 'revert' operation) - you seem to have found a new FO4 bug!

I know that on game start this 'Saved' part of the formlist is attached to the end of the 'CK' defined part of the formlist (as both parts can be independantly modified).

So you seem to have found a way to have 2 saved parts attached to the same formlist...

I wonder if it would still happen if the CK defined formlist wasn't empty...

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