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Container: Cars and power armor frames (Cell Respawn)


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Hello, can someone confirm:

  1. Is a vehicle/car set as container?
  2. Is a power armor frame set as container?
  3. Do cars respawn
  4. Do power armor frames respawn?
  5. Is loot from power armor frames affected by a cell respawn?

I have trouble finding the data. thx.

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Power Armor frames can certainly contain items, but beware as they are understood by the base game code and are not a 'normal' container.

I am pretty sure their contents are restricted (power armor and fusion cores only) - but this all may be governed by having the "FurnitureTypePowerArmor" keyword.


Early on there were reports of PA frames reverting to default (loosing all armor on them) but that seems to only now happen in exceptional cases (fortunately) - so generally the 'loot' in the PA does not 'respawn'.

If however you mean if you delete it via console will it re-appear in it's 'found' location? Don't know.

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so generally the 'loot' in the PA does not 'respawn'.

I have experienced it several times now that both cars (exploded) and power armors frame loot respawn (but i cant force its its so weird). Cars = new prestine cars.


This gives me to understand that both (prestine cars and power armor frame 'loot') are subject to a cell respawn and I ask myself how exactly this works. Is a car and power armor frame a container or not. The keyword you gave seems to be a very good indication of this.

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Yeah - I did say generally as I have seen it reported that PA can revert to original (basically a respawn/reset). They aren't meant to but... No idea what triggers it.

And as Zorkaz says - cars are statics. There is a mod that replaces (explode able) cars with lootable containers, but it isn't a base game feature. Non-explodeable cars are generally buried in precombines so just scenery.

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Thanks for confirming that cars are no containers! I would like add can cars be "set" as containers though? E.g. for car and/or truck salvaging (maybe even motorcycles as well)?

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Ultimate question will it break pre-combines? And if would it be noticeable (FPS drops, general performance rollercoaster).

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If you replace the static cars yes. If you replace the movable statics no.

Also if you're going via script solutions you can't use scripts on statics anyway. At least not properly

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Static cars = rusted (non prestine) cars right? And movable (non static) cars are prestine cars which can explode? Or is there interference that static as well as non-static can be both, rusted and prestine cars?

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