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My companion's automatic weapon points slightly downward when aiming & firing.

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I have another small problem. My companion has a unique combat shotgun. It has been semi-automatic until now, but I wanted to change it.


I can't simply change the receiver mod it uses as the change won't be reflected in game on existing saves. It will be stuck with the original receiver, this will not help existing users of my mod, only new users.

Sure, getting another copy with console commands is trivial, but messy & immersion-breaking.


So instead, I flagged the custom shotgun as automatic in its weapon entry. This has the advantage of carrying over in game. The rate of fire is good too. However, when aiming & firing, the weapon is pointed slightly downwards but the trajectory of the bullets is unaltered, so it looks wonky when firing.


This does not happen while my companion is in cover, she aims the shotgun properly then. I'm wondering, what causes this? Is there any way to correct this?

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