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Is There a Mod that Adds New Immunities for Player Characters?


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there are medallions/necklaces that add immunities to some things (poison, disease) , and their are enchantments and smith boosting for armors that can make you virtually invincible to most dangers.


One example is a medallion that adds 9K weight units to your carry capability (search on main SE page for "expedition necklace")


There are mods that add spell for certain things like disease as well. Due diligence. You should start using the mod categories and most endorsed, and spend a substantive bit of time looking around, like the rest of us have had to do. I've spent entire evenings doing nothing more than reviewing mod entries or watching you tube showcase videos in order to populate my mod list.


I'd also recommend regularly checking and thoroughly reviewing the new mods to keep up to date with the latest entries.

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