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Hello guys, thank you for reading.


I'm having an issue in this game where when I look into the distance the terrain and very far away objects begin to flicker wildly. I started noticing it recently and now can't un-see it lol. After doing a bit of research on the topic I think it's called "Z-Fighting". Apparently it has something to do with the LOD and the way the game engine handles textures that are very far away from the player that causes them to sort of spaz out. I wasn't able to find any fixes that didn't seem like they may do more harm than good and many of them were pretty old some even as far back as 2013 and older. Needless to say I'm hoping that in 2022 there might be a simpler and safer fix for this annoying issue. I read something about possibly changing the fNearDistance but I don't want to mess with that since I'm not sure.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.


I use the Steam version of Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition with:

xNVSE 6.2.7
JIP LN version: 56.56
JohnnyGuitar version: 4.65
(4gb patch manually installed, all mods handled with Vortex)

modlist: https://pastebin.com/ryS39fTF
plug-ins/load order: https://pastebin.com/SCz9wLqf
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Can't be fixed unless someone will manually readjust positions of troublesome cliff refs in the entire worldspace (there is a mod for that for Skyrim). And even then it will lessen z-fighting, not remove it completely.

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