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Hero Animated Menu Sword Mod


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A while ago I downloaded the Hero Animated Menu mod, I thought the armor and sword looked really cool. Fortunately the armor just looks like a slightly modified steel plate armor with a fur cloak (later on I discovered it to be in a mod bundle, the armor set is called Champions silver armor I believe), however my search for the sword yielded no results. It seems a few other people also experienced difficulty in finding any trace of this blade. I would have made the mod myself however I have no knowledge on how to even begin the process of doing this. So for anyone more talented than I that wishes to take on the task I offer only the knowledge that this sword is a sword at least a few people want that no one has made. Alternatively tips and advice on how to mod would be appreciated and perhaps I could undertake this task myself. Thank for any and all help and have a good day!


P.S. I've left an image of the title screen from google as a reference photo.

Edited by TotallyAHuman1
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