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Need F04edit help with craftables and general usage

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So I'm making a a patch for a fallout 4 weapon mod so it's balanced for Frost, however when I'm editing the crafting recipes I've tried to add about 3 perk requirements and it only shows 2 of them. With crafting as well, even though I'm testing the recipes with all special perks and 500 of each component, it still says I lack requirements even though I didn't put any additional stuff.

Aside from that I'd also like to ask, are there any recourses where I can see the meaning of all the values? when I'm editing stuff in fo4edit like weapons, there is stuff like addon index which I don't really understand but also don't wanna overlook as it could be important.

And one final question, How do I delete things that a mod implements? Like locations, weapons, NPC'S and attachments for example? I've been overriding joke stuff from the mod into my patch and then removing it but it doesn't seem to do anything. Am I doing it wrong?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by alexdima57
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