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mountain in middle of whiterun


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hi i have a mountain in middle of whiterun idk why its right next to the mamoth camp basicly in the center of the map i was hoping someone could help me figure out which mod could be the culprit i insstalled a bunch of mods related to buruma but they said that would not do it so im in need of assistance to to track own the potential mod. here is the link of the image file of what im experencing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zN23KJBAuzevGHDdTuA_7_e6JuOSv1jt/view?usp=sharing here is my mod list as well https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/41gfvr


i also have these mods as well


failed to pack "BBLS-Base_0U9f8FZJ.zip": "BBLS-Base_0U9f8FZJ.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "BBLS-Mesh.zip": "BBLS-Mesh.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "BBLS-Textures1.zip": "BBLS-Textures1.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "BBLS-Textures2.zip": "BBLS-Textures2.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "BBLS-Textures3.zip": "BBLS-Textures3.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "BBLS-Textures4.zip": "BBLS-Textures4.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "BBLS-Textures5.zip": "BBLS-Textures5.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "BBLS-Textures6.zip": "BBLS-Textures6.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "BBLS-Textures7.zip": "BBLS-Textures7.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "BBLS_Update_3.2a_Uf5Z447YQxT2.zip": "BBLS_Update_3.2a_Uf5Z447YQxT2.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "FNIS Data": "FNIS Data" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "Live_Another_Life_Extension_BBLS-1.x-56Qr46-1-0.zip": "Live_Another_Life_Extension_BBLS-1.x-56Qr46-1-0.zip" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "Schlongs_of_Skyrim_SE - v1.1.4.rar": "Schlongs_of_Skyrim_SE - v1.1.4.rar" doesn't have Nexus as its source
failed to pack "SoS AE": "SoS AE" doesn't have Nexus as its source
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Have you walked up to the 'mountain', enabled the console, and clicked on the parts of the mountain to see what the refID is for the parts? The prefix of the ID will tell you which mod is supplying the parts (you must compare it to the LO numbering in hex values). If you run More Informative Console, it will just tell you the last mod to alter/affect that part.

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I once had a problem with such objects being piled up high in the sky over the giant's camp nearby. I was just pointing out how to try to determine which mod(s) the objects came from. If nothing else, you can click on each element in the console, and type 'disable', and enter. It will remove the objects from view, but not fix the base problems. If the OP can determine the mod(s) causing the problem, perhaps they can seek a solution from the mod author(s).

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