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welcome to the vault. I am a god of the vault (Overseer is floggingmolly) I tell problem of the vault and you citizens and overseer have to resolve it. For example: medical robot broke so someone have to fix it. Or bigger problems like broken water chip broken . And one more thing if you want to join please tell the story how did you get in.


Rules are: You can't interact with me (god)(now you can because i became a man). You can get kicked out by overseer (god can't because he is JUST watching and making problems for you to solve. overseer could be reselected if more than 50% of people don't want him. First person to join is overseer. People number is unlimited




I decided that all characters should have 3 main skills weapon(up to 3) armor and clothing(clothing is stuff that you wear in vault and armor is what you wear in combat). Please add them on your next post. Thank you.




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after you enter you understand that the vault is in very nice condition and it will be great place to live. you scaveng for any data and found holotape it says: i can't live like that anymore hidding from that beast today i will fight him. Than you found another holotape: the beast is finaly defeated but i am dying this is my last holotape.
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well you made your home of dreams but there is a problem electricity went out and one of you have to go to and fix but generator room has many Murelurkes

so who will it be....

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i dieing of lack from lack water was scavenging for nuka when some super mutants found me they chase me outside and i looking for a hiding place see a door to the vault and run inside the super mutants run by unnoticing and go deeper in to the cave to find that im standing outside a vault and run inside to find that this place is not so abandoned.
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I was experimenting with old, plastic explosives labeled "C-4" that I found near an army base. I noticed a vent after one of the resulting explosions. I went to the vent, jumped into it, and wound up falling through a celing duct in the vault. I found a screwdriver and a few screws, put the cover back on, and stayed.
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