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MOD REQUEST: Lower Rate of Zombie Spawns


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I don't have much time to play and actually enjoy exploring and upgrading bases more than hacking Zombies. Although it seems that the more I do the exponentially more zombies spawn around me to the point of annoying me. I understand its the original intent, but I would like to slow down a bit and not always be having to clear out zombies or stop every seconds to kill a freshly spawned group to continue driving so I don't kill my car. I don't want it clear, but I'm on day 3 and I have killed about 3x the towns possible population (judging by the homes and building) and there are more on screen now than I have killed. Its just not what I personally like, BUT I don't have the time or knowledge to change that. I scanned the config files to see if I could find any fields to change with no luck. I MAYBE have an hour or two to play a week and would like to, but I spend most of that time just bashing zombies while missing missions and requests because of it. It isn't that fun to ME. I know there are others that feel the same way....and apparently many that don't since they seem compelled to tell us how bad we must suck since we don't' spend hours playing it every day/week. SEEMS like it would be an easy change for someone who knows what they are doing, I have seen many that increase the number of them, but I clearly do not know if ti is. Who knows, I may eventually like that many, but at this point I find it annoying and don't really care to play it as long as I would need to find out otherwise. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

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