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Arrays, how to deal with 128+ item overflow

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If you use GetInventoryItems then this mean that you use F4SE.

You can use LL FourPlay plugin to adjust 128 limit to higher value. But the value in under user's control.

Actually, I do not see any reason why 128 limit can be applied to GetInventoryItems result. Did you face the problem or just curious?


Another option to use arrays without such limits - use F4DS

Edited by DlinnyLag
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The reason would be that inventory items can be more than 128 and afaik there is no way to intercept the array-populating process to redirect it in some way, hence the question.

I'm no doubt going to face the problem. Currently working on a crude NewGame+ solution.

Going to take a look at that LL FourPlay, it seems really useful. I wonder if they will let me include it in something later published on Nexus though... I would guess not.

F4DS looks promising!

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