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does anyone know what benefits if any there from the upgrade to Visual Studio 2019 from Visual Studio 2015. ive tried good searches but you just get flooded with the warnings about ae

dammit i meant to put Visual Studio 2019 benefits as the title

Edited by Psychotopia
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It was needed to make the game compatible with the Microsoft Game Pass/Xbox App release due to how the Achievements system worked.


It meant that Bethesda didn't have to use two different versions of VS to support different releases of the game.


It has newer optimizations in the compiled code that means that scripts run faster in the game.


Basically, the need for the update was on the developer's side of things. However, a new compiler normally has no negative effects on the user. It did have an effect in this case, but only because some mods use a direct injection system that is very specific to how the EXE is built.

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