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How do I set up the folders in UE when creating a mod? (unless I did wrong in other way)


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Hello, I'm an experienced modder, I did textures, emmissions, models, script change and sounds before with a lot of experience in some games. Each one has a different way to install them and looking at other mods I saw it's simply creating a custom pak ending its name with _p but I seem to have issues.


Basically I created a texture in imitation of my cat. I named the UE project "Game" and the folders path until the textures is Content>Character>Cat>Texture>export and the textures imported are the body, head, eye iris and furmesh. Then I created the pak file using Unreal too, and changed the name from "pakchunk2-WindowsNoEditor.pak" to "Hk_project-WindowsNoEditor_p.pak" then obviously placed it into the game's paks folder but it doesn't work.


Any help is welcome, thanks!

EDIT: okay hehe I figured out my mistake, the UE project had to be named "Hk_project" everything else was fine, anyways I hope this thread helps more people to mod in their cats! <3 here is Antonio :smile:



Edited by Angeloloo
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