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Scripting and/or Dragon Race Edits Help


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I'm trying to find a way to make dragons ragdoll and fall from the sky like the mod "Dragons Fall Down" but without SPID or SKSE Requirement. I got perms from OMA (Apollo) to do so but I'm stuck on either writing a new script (which I suck at nowadays) or applying the perk created to make them ragdoll and fall down to "Dragonrace" but I don't know how/where to apply the perk in SSEDIT or CK. I've searched high and low for help with this to no avail.. Please help 🙏


Thanks for taking the time to read my plight.


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If you happen to get a solid routine there to reliably make them collapse from the sky feel free to share. I more or less have a decent script where most of the time they collapse visually as expected, but it nags me that it sometimes flips out and doesnt end well

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