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Looking for a DMFI Music Tool Fix for NWN2


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Hey there, new to the Nexus forums. I'm part of a pw team called The Known Lands: http://www.knownlands.com/

We're looking for a specific fix to the NWN2 dmfi tool that will allow music to be changed in game on the dm client. So far it only builds a list up to MOTB music. So we can't change areas to play music from SOZ or any of the custom music we've put in. Anyone know of a fix for this?


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I wouldn't know how to change the DMFI tools, but in the console you can change the music to anything in the ambientmusic.2DA (which includes SoZ music, and most likely includes your custom music) using the command:

rs ga_music_set(1, 0)

Where "1" should be the number of whatever music track you want to play (refer to the 2DA for the list of tracks and their numbers). The zero at the end tells it to change the music for both night and day. Use 1 to change day track only, 2 to change night track only.

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