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Half/Triangular Floors


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Qualifier: I could have sworn I had seen half square floor tiles in the shape of a right triangle somewhere in FO4 Build mode. That being said...


I'm looking for a simple(?) mod that will allow me to add right triangle (half a square, separated at the hypotenuse) flooring, maybe even roofing, to my builds. I've included a pic of a reservoir I'm constructing in Vault 88 which includes perimeter walkways. The blocky look, which I want to offset with the requested mod, is playing havoc with my OCD.


Baseline requests: Available for all vanilla flooring option squares (at the very least the 256 x 256 squares) for Wood, Metal, Concrete, Warehouse, and Barn. I utilize the Warehouse floor blocks (256 x 256 x 320) more than all the other floor options combined.


Nice-to-Haves: 1) Fully compatible with vanilla small-square floors (128 x 128) wherever they are available in the above categories;

2) Fully compatible with moriartykain's Custom Concrete Walls with Window Glass mod* (particularly the Grey Concrete floors, including the glass ones);

3) Fully compatible with Akaman's Build Your Own Pool mod, so that the right-triangle version of the water marker(s) completes any solid right-triangle flooring I may use at the edge of my pools (the least necessary, I realize, since you can place water markers which 'go through' solid material; but hey someone may want to make a diamond-shaped - relative to their rectangular floor plan - pool).


*Which moriartykain based on cartman1975's original mod of similar name.




Thanks for reading, and comments (even the thorny ones) of course welcome.


- Shady

Edited by shadekur
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I don't know how much this helps, I don't have the game currently installed. At Jamaica Plains the Red Rocket is destroyed on the one side. On the second floor there's a hole in the building next to the Red Rocket. I put a doorway in and repair the section over the garage to make a bunk area. Standing in the doorway facing the garage is a small section of floor that requires a triangular floor piece to repair the existing building. The building kit that has the matching brick walls for the Red Rocket has a triangular piece. I don't remember if it's a wood or metal piece, but it exists. I also don't remember the exact mod name but I'm pretty sure it's Snappy Housekit https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11639 I really hope this helps you out. I've been following some of the new mods for FO4 and am getting ready to reinstall. I have Way to many hours in Fallout 76 and need a break. Happy building.

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