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Found a way to make ENBs and nightvision work together


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Hi guys,

I found a way to use nightvision and any ENB by using the Predator Vision Mod by Gopher: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22274/?.
Its not really a fix for the ENB-Nightvision Problem, but it works perfectly good for me and is in my opinion better than using #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION.
The key is to deactivate the ENB at the same time you activate the Predator Vision and reactivate the ENB at the time you deactivate Predator Vision , which is in fact pretty simple:


1. Go to your enblocal.ini file in your game folder

2. Go to [iNPUT]

3. Set KeyCombination=0

4. Go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa243025%28v=vs.60%29.aspx

and copy the value of the key you are using for your Nightvision by Predator Vision (for example 86 for "v")

5. Set KeyUseEffect=x, where x is the value from step 4.

6. Save the file


If you are fimiliar with the ENB ingame menu you can also change this ingame.


Of course you have to install Predator Vision and set the activation key to the same as above.

Now every time you deactivate/activate nightvision, your ENB should be deactivated/activated.

If the sequence is wrong(activate nightvision and activate ENB) open the console or the menu and press the same button again.



I use Realvision ENB with ELFX and COT. Set the brightness to around 25 to 35 and the Color to 35 in the Predator Vision settings and you almost wont notice the ENB disabling (Only true if it is dark, but thats when you activate it, isn´t it?). Sure you will notice it, but I think thats something you can adapt to. -Or you can enable #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION and live with the odd colors, you decide.




You dont have to set KeyCombination=0 if you dont mind pressing shift and your key of choice everytime you want to use your nightvision.

If you set KeyCombination=0, then maybe you should change the keys in enblocal.ini to some you dont press normally.(Dont use enter!)





//Numpad 8
//Numpad 6
//Numpad 4
//Numpad 5
//Numpad 2


And dont forget to enable/disable the numpad and open the console before opening the ingame ENB menu.


Edited by M4ze
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I am not talking about two ENBs, I am talking about night eye alias nightvision. This solution is for the people who want to use an ENB, but still use their nightvision skills. I know there is a "fix" for this, by enabling APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION, but that one changes the way the ENB looks - and that can be very bad. This is not the fact if you use the solution I posted on top of this thread.

Edited by M4ze
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Thank you so much! You sir are a life-saver! This has been driving me crazy trying to make nightvision work with Realvision ENB. Enabling "UseOriginalPostProcessing" made the game look terrible in comparison so I've just been going without nightvision completely until I saw your post. Works great!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

it doesnt work for me, i put all like u posted, but i press "N" for nightvision and nothing happens, just the sound of night eye khajit power... and a very little blur seems to appears...


i have put too this on the command line: "set HunterVisionNightvisionKey to 49" 49 is for "N" as showed in predator vision description... my mcm 3.0 doesnt show the predatorvision menu so i had to do with command line..


i think the enb is not deactivating...



SOLVED: ok now it works fine, but only nightvision, thermalvision not working (it does nothing when pushed button)... the problem was the number code... on enblocal.ini you have to use those codes : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa243025%28v=vs.60%29.aspx and if you bind predatorvision by command line, you have to use those codes: http://fose.silverlock.org/fose_command_doc.html#DirectX_Scancodes .......... for example, i binded "N" to nightvision, so i put "KeyUseEffect=78" and "set HunterVisionNightvisionKey to 49" on skyrim command line

Edited by werta600
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  • 4 months later...

I am not talking about two ENBs, I am talking about night eye alias nightvision. This solution is for the people who want to use an ENB, but still use their nightvision skills. I know there is a "fix" for this, by enabling APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION, but that one changes the way the ENB looks - and that can be very bad. This is not the fact if you use the solution I posted on top of this thread.


There is a simple fix!


open "enbeffect.fx"



change to:



Nightvision will work now.





Worked like a Charm, for both Predator Vision Mod and standard Night Vision!

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  • 1 year later...

Monkinsane and Co0n:


^If you change to:

#define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION(remove // ), you are turning off all the color effects added by your ENB. Basically, you are disabling half of your ENB permanently.


The whole point of this thread was to give an alternative fix.


See my next post in this thread for another way to do the OP's fix.

Edited by kichigaikikyokagome
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