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Found a way to make ENBs and nightvision work together


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Hi guys,

I found a way to use nightvision and any ENB by using the Predator Vision Mod by Gopher: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22274/?.

Its not really a fix for the ENB-Nightvision Problem, but it works perfectly good for me and is in my opinion better than using #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION.

The key is to deactivate the ENB at the same time you activate the Predator Vision and reactivate the ENB at the time you deactivate Predator Vision , which is in fact pretty simple:


1. Go to your enblocal.ini file in your game folder

2. Go to [iNPUT]

3. Set KeyCombination=0

4. Go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa243025%28v=vs.60%29.aspx

and copy the value of the key you are using for your Nightvision by Predator Vision (for example 86 for "v")

5. Set KeyUseEffect=x, where x is the value from step 4.

6. Save the file


If you are fimiliar with the ENB ingame menu you can also change this ingame.


Of course you have to install Predator Vision and set the activation key to the same as above.

Now every time you deactivate/activate nightvision, your ENB should be deactivated/activated.

If the sequence is wrong(activate nightvision and activate ENB) open the console or the menu and press the same button again.



I use Realvision ENB with ELFX and COT. Set the brightness to around 25 to 35 and the Color to 35 in the Predator Vision settings and you almost wont notice the ENB disabling (Only true if it is dark, but thats when you activate it, isn´t it?). Sure you will notice it, but I think thats something you can adapt to. -Or you can enable #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION and live with the odd colors, you decide.




You dont have to set KeyCombination=0 if you dont mind pressing shift and your key of choice everytime you want to use your nightvision.

If you set KeyCombination=0, then maybe you should change the keys in enblocal.ini to some you dont press normally.(Dont use enter!)









//Numpad 8


//Numpad 6


//Numpad 4


//Numpad 5


//Numpad 2



And dont forget to enable/disable the numpad and open the console before opening the ingame ENB menu.



Thanks :) This worked perfect. I had to go about it a slightly different way.


1. In game, press shift + enter to open the ingame ENB overlay. Press ~ to keep your screen still while you mouse around the menu.


*Note: If it doesn't show up, its cause you have 3rd party gaming software (ex, GeForce Experience, AMD, etc.) that interferes with ENB's ability to work. If thats the case, install the injector version of ENB instead of wrapper version... or remove/shut down those 3rd party programs.


2. At the top in yellow text, click the + beside "Input" to expand options under that category.


3. Click the option "KeyUseEffect" and scroll through the menu of keys to chose. I wanted to use Alt, but it doesn't work. I ended up using F1.


4. Now at the very top (you may have to use the slide bar to scroll back up), check the "Save Configuration". Press shift + enter to close the overlay.


5. Press shift + F1 (or whatever key you set it to) to turn off the ENB effect in game. If it works, move on to the next step. If not, try setting it as a different key. Don't pick anything that you use often.


6. Pres ESC and choose MCM Configuration menu (Need SKSE, SkyUI, etc.). Scroll through the list of mods with MCM menus until you find "Predator Vision". Set the key for night vision to F1 (or whatever you chose).


7. Close the menu. In game, Press shift + F1 to disable the ENB effect. Then press F1 to toggle night vision on and off. You can also have heat vision running at the same time, but it may look extremely psychedelic unless you play with the brightness / color settings for heat vision in the Predator Vision MCM menu.



When you are satisfied with your keys and the look of your night vision & heat vision, save your game.


Done! :)

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  • 9 months later...

Hey Mates,

its still doent work for me because i have a problem with deactivating the ENB. If i use my Button to deactive, my screen become white. The game is still working but i can't see anything because the desktop is plane white. If i press my chosen button again and activate the ENB everything works again.


Hope you can help me fix that issue :)



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  • 1 month later...


Hi guys,

I found a way to use nightvision and any ENB by using the Predator Vision Mod by Gopher: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22274/?.

Its not really a fix for the ENB-Nightvision Problem, but it works perfectly good for me and is in my opinion better than using #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION.

The key is to deactivate the ENB at the same time you activate the Predator Vision and reactivate the ENB at the time you deactivate Predator Vision , which is in fact pretty simple:


1. Go to your enblocal.ini file in your game folder

2. Go to [iNPUT]

3. Set KeyCombination=0

4. Go to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa243025%28v=vs.60%29.aspx

and copy the value of the key you are using for your Nightvision by Predator Vision (for example 86 for "v")

5. Set KeyUseEffect=x, where x is the value from step 4.

6. Save the file


If you are fimiliar with the ENB ingame menu you can also change this ingame.


Of course you have to install Predator Vision and set the activation key to the same as above.

Now every time you deactivate/activate nightvision, your ENB should be deactivated/activated.

If the sequence is wrong(activate nightvision and activate ENB) open the console or the menu and press the same button again.



I use Realvision ENB with ELFX and COT. Set the brightness to around 25 to 35 and the Color to 35 in the Predator Vision settings and you almost wont notice the ENB disabling (Only true if it is dark, but thats when you activate it, isn´t it?). Sure you will notice it, but I think thats something you can adapt to. -Or you can enable #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION and live with the odd colors, you decide.




You dont have to set KeyCombination=0 if you dont mind pressing shift and your key of choice everytime you want to use your nightvision.

If you set KeyCombination=0, then maybe you should change the keys in enblocal.ini to some you dont press normally.(Dont use enter!)









//Numpad 8


//Numpad 6


//Numpad 4


//Numpad 5


//Numpad 2



And dont forget to enable/disable the numpad and open the console before opening the ingame ENB menu.



Thanks :smile: This worked perfect. I had to go about it a slightly different way.


1. In game, press shift + enter to open the ingame ENB overlay. Press ~ to keep your screen still while you mouse around the menu.


*Note: If it doesn't show up, its cause you have 3rd party gaming software (ex, GeForce Experience, AMD, etc.) that interferes with ENB's ability to work. If thats the case, install the injector version of ENB instead of wrapper version... or remove/shut down those 3rd party programs.


2. At the top in yellow text, click the + beside "Input" to expand options under that category.


3. Click the option "KeyUseEffect" and scroll through the menu of keys to chose. I wanted to use Alt, but it doesn't work. I ended up using F1.


4. Now at the very top (you may have to use the slide bar to scroll back up), check the "Save Configuration". Press shift + enter to close the overlay.


5. Press shift + F1 (or whatever key you set it to) to turn off the ENB effect in game. If it works, move on to the next step. If not, try setting it as a different key. Don't pick anything that you use often.


6. Pres ESC and choose MCM Configuration menu (Need SKSE, SkyUI, etc.). Scroll through the list of mods with MCM menus until you find "Predator Vision". Set the key for night vision to F1 (or whatever you chose).


7. Close the menu. In game, Press shift + F1 to disable the ENB effect. Then press F1 to toggle night vision on and off. You can also have heat vision running at the same time, but it may look extremely psychedelic unless you play with the brightness / color settings for heat vision in the Predator Vision MCM menu.



When you are satisfied with your keys and the look of your night vision & heat vision, save your game.


Done! :smile:



This works for me! Thanks :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have to say this is really impressive, Thank you so much.
I played Fallout with FWE and some ENB preset which made the FWE's night vision didn't work at first.
Hope google bring everyone who has the same problem here, took me too long to find this.

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  • 4 months later...

This is awesome!


The only downside is that the predator vision key you configure on MCM is only triggered during gameplay whereas the ENB toggle key is triggered during both gameplay and menus.


So, assigning a key like 'v' may cause you to "desync" the state of both flags, e.g. you open SkyUI and type in something to search that contains 'v', it'll toggle ENB but not predator. That could be mitigated by assigning a key that you're not likely to use on menus but there may still be a chance to hit that by accident.


I've been trying to tune brightness and saturation with Imaginator for the more reliable usability in gameplay with APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION, but I'm realizing it'll mess up with the ENB one way or another. When tuned for night it'll mess up with the day and vice versa, not to mention body color nearby large fire sources- it gets really odd.

I think it would be really nice if predator vision could add two more options to MCM: 1. to auto toggle ENB if desired, and 2. to setup your ENB toggle key. That would keep the best from both options, visual quality and reliability.

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  • 3 months later...

I'll definitely try this. It's so simple it's stupid. Can't believe I didn't think of this. :facepalm:

I suppose one could simply turn off the ENB (shift-f12 as standard), and then turn on Nightvision and vice-versa.

Because turning off all the ENB post-processing for good is really not an option.


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  • 6 months later...

I'll definitely try this. It's so simple it's stupid. Can't believe I didn't think of this. :facepalm:

I suppose one could simply turn off the ENB (shift-f12 as standard), and then turn on Nightvision and vice-versa.

Because turning off all the ENB post-processing for good is really not an option.


I never thought to do that - just turn off the ENB. MUCH less complicated than the other crap. I did the workaround with just disabling the "//" before "//#define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION" but that didn't do anything in and of itself. I think I understand why now. But it's easier to just turn off ENB temporarily, then use nightvision. Should have thought of that before I guess. <slaps self upside the head>

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