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rarer & more expensive items


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Is there a mod that makes food and ammo rarer, and is there one that makes things more expensive. because i find the game to easy when im trying to play it more like a survival game.

Project Nevada has extra options and rebalance which allows you to set the rarity of chems, food, ammo, and caps. In addition it also allows you to set how tough the bargaining is to make things more expensive (that one seems kind of flaky though, for example I prefer "harsh traders" the most difficult, but it won't highlight unless i select "tough deal", shrug)


For added effect Project Nevada also has "unfound loot" option, which will systematically remov items from the cell (not uniques, owned or quest items) based on your luck.


So for example if you set all things to rare, harsh traders, then unfound loot (and inscrease difficulty in Project nevada this is what I do) you can fulfil your hardcore roleplaying desire by dieing of 4 blocks outside of good springs from minor injuries and exposure! its a blast.

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