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Disable third person camera


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HI, i wasn't successful finding a mod which does precisely what i want. Anyone know how to trick the game to disable 3rd person camera? I would like to force the player into a FPS. Is there a simple gamesetting command e.g. to disable zoom available?

Edited by Qrsr
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I know that there is a very old .ini setting that you can manually throw in, that will deactivate the camera panning over to the player during conversations, but I don't know the actual code for it. :(

I know that there are multiple conversations about changing the position of the 3rd person camera, and those convos include settings. But as far as what settings might change it to right in front of the player's face, I dunno.


And not to be a jerk. I get where you're coming from, even tho I myself don't play 1st person for this game....

If you start a new game up, with settings like these, you will not even get into the player creation menu. Ya know that mirror that fogs up right there at the very start? That is a solid object, that the 3rd person cam moves THROUGH to get into the rest of the scene.

I HAVE seen mods that mess up the 3rd person cam to the point that mirror blocks interaction with the creation process.

And I've intentionally lagged my system down to the point that I could see it there in front of the male version of the character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply. Good point with the char creation, hmm im pretty sure if a GameSetting command exist one can add a script to apply soon after leaving the cryo chamber, to avoid the points mentioned in your post.


The thing why i request such a command is very simple, 3rd person is very helpful to look around corners, i would like to add more difficulty by making it FPS only at a hardcore survival configuration, thats all. Thus, PC cant use a wider camera angle to trick NPCs.

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