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Creation Kit - Editing Player Character Event


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Hello there!


I have a quick question about coding in Papyrus, well, rather the request for a piece of code. What i am trying to make:

- Triggerbox, on player pass it will change the height of player to 0.8.

- Triggerbox, on player pass it will change the height of player to 1.


I am such a noob in this coding that i cannot even get this to work (directly from creationkit wiki site):

Scriptname SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer extends ObjectReference
{Darkfalls - Smallville, the script that schrinks the player to 0.8 height on entering the village.}

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto ; Reffer to the player

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If akActionRef == PlayerREF ; This condition ensures that only the player will trigger this code

What i did manage to do:

1) Create a triggerbox in the Cell the event is supposed to happen.

2) Add a blanko code, and inserting the code above.


So could someone please tell me how to change the player height on event enter?


Thanks in advance and greetings!

- Takararyuu

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Not sure about SetScale as that is for ObjectReferences... Tho actor does extend ObjectReference. So it might be worth a shot.


If you want to go with SKSE you could try something as follows, tho there is no means to return the player to their original height if their starting height was not 1.0 or 0.8. One trigger box to handle both the increase and the decrease. If you want to return the player to their original height, then there needs to be some additional steps taken.




Scriptname SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer extends ObjectReference
{Darkfalls - Smallville, the script that schrinks the player to 0.8 height on entering the village.}

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto ; Reffer to the player

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If akActionRef == PlayerREF ; This condition ensures that only the player will trigger this code

		;get player's current height
		Float Height = PlayerREF.GetActorBase().GetHeight()

		If Height != 1.0
		ElseIf Height != 0.8





the number eight followed by an end parenthesis results in a smiley. Some forums allow turning smileys off. This forum does not.

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Quoted from IsharaMeradin

Not sure about SetScale as that is for ObjectReferences... Tho actor does extend ObjectReference. So it might be worth a shot.


If you want to go with SKSE you could try something as follows, tho there is no means to return the player to their original height if their starting height was not 1.0 or 0.8. One trigger box to handle both the increase and the decrease. If you want to return the player to their original height, then there needs to be some additional steps taken.




Scriptname SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer extends ObjectReference
{Darkfalls - Smallville, the script that schrinks the player to 0.8 height on entering the village.}

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto ; Reffer to the player

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If akActionRef == PlayerREF ; This condition ensures that only the player will trigger this code

		;get player's current height
		Float Height = PlayerREF.GetActorBase().GetHeight()

		If Height != 1.0
		ElseIf Height != 0.8





the number eight followed by an end parenthesis results in a smiley. Some forums allow turning smileys off. This forum does not.


This might be a nice piece of code, but it gives compiling errors:

Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer"...
E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer.psc(11,42): GetHeight is not a function or does not exist
E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer.psc(11,8): type mismatch while assigning to a float (cast missing or types unrelated)
E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer.psc(14,30): SetHeight is not a function or does not exist
E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer.psc(16,30): SetHeight is not a function or does not exist
No output generated for SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer

Any idea how this can be fixed?

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You need to install the source scripts (PSC files) as well as the PEX files for SKSE. The Creation Kit looks for the PSC file rather than the PEX file because PEX files can be packed inside of BSA files. Place the source scripts inside your Data > Scripts > Source folder.

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You need to install the source scripts (PSC files) as well as the PEX files for SKSE. The Creation Kit looks for the PSC file rather than the PEX file because PEX files can be packed inside of BSA files. Place the source scripts inside your Data > Scripts > Source folder.


Thanks for the help so far! I did as you said for the SKSE, but now i run into a completely different problem;


This is the code i currently use for testing:

Scriptname SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer extends ObjectReference  
{Darkfalls - Smallville, the script that schrinks the player to 0.3 height on entering the village.}

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto ; Reffer to the player

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)

		;Set player height to 0.8


But when i run though the trigger it does not affect the player size, when sleeping afterwards the player does run as slow as a 0.3 height character would, but no change in looks. When i immediately load the autosave of that nap, it does change! (Yay, at least that works!) But how can i let the player character 're-load' (or something) right after passing through the trigger?


Also, how can i make a nice IF statement of this?


If Height > 0.31
ElseIf Height == 0.3

, because that doesn't seem to work.


PS: Yes i use 0.3 for testing, this was not an failure.

Edited by Takararyuu
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QueueNiNodeUpdate() is for changes to the head parts and armor addons. I do not think it is applicable to changing the player's size while in game.


Please note that I have not tested this, but you may want to try the following... My thought process required adapting the whole script



Scriptname SmallvilleSchrinkPlayer extends ObjectReference  
{Darkfalls - Smallville, the script that schrinks the player to 0.3 height on entering the village.}

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto ; Reffer to the player

Float Property NewHeight Auto 
; as a property you can easily change the value in the CK without constantly updating the script 
;AND you can use the script for other values in other locations

String Property SaveNameTextShrunk Auto
;descriptive text for save being made

String Property SaveNameTextRestored Auto
;descriptive text for save being made

Float OriginalHeight
Int Index = 0

Event OnInit()
	OriginalHeight = PlayerREF.GetActorBase().GetHeight()

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	Index += 1
	If akActionRef == PlayerRef
		If PlayerREF.GetActorBase().GetHeight() != NewHeight
			SaveGame(Game.GetPlayer().GetName()+" "+SaveNameTextShrunk+" "+Index)
			Utility.Wait(1.0) ;wait a bit
			LoadGame(Game.GetPlayer().GetName()+" "+SaveNameTextShrunk+" "+Index)
		Else ;restore player to original height	
			SaveGame(Game.GetPlayer().GetName()+" "+SaveNameTextRestored+" "+Index)
			Utility.Wait(1.0) ;wait a bit
			LoadGame(Game.GetPlayer().GetName()+" "+SaveNameTextRestored+" "+Index)


The thinking is this. Since it corrects the height after a save, why not save and reload using the SKSE functions of SaveGame and LoadGame. You might need to play with the wait time. No idea how long is needed to make the save. Also I added a means to restore the player to their original height. You could probably move that out if you want. But since there are some mods that change the height of races and/or between genders, it might be a good idea to have a means of restoring original height rather than going back to 1.0

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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