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I will add high wisdom to you're intelligence brother, thank you for the post, there are only 25 million people in Aus in comparison to 331 million in the U.S. so we are easier to control, the second amendment has existed since 1791 so changing that would be nigh impossible and would most likely cause a civil war, when we have been schooled the opposite, people carrying firearms=bad, similar to cannabis laws here. The attitude has been drummed into people for generations and has resulted in hypocrisy at it's finest, Aussies think it's perfectly normal, cool even, for someone to be as pissed as a mute but oh those dirty stoners, disobeying the law and smoking that filth, not even a glancing thought that they are both mind altering drugs, again I will state I indulge in neither, growing up I have first hand seen the results of addiction and have steered clear, although on a filthy hot day I will have a glass or 2 of ale and once again I'll say a stoner is far more pleasant than a drunk.


I'm not sure who takes the cake here, while we have some extremely nasty snakes, so does the U.S. We have red back spiders, they are part of your black widow family but more toxic I believe, we have the Sydney funnel web, the nastiest of all, I am thankful to reside in Victoria with the Blue Mountains blocking their path so we don't have them, white tail spiders are nasty but not deadly, they can leave the bitten area permanently disfigured and they're extremely common, I have to pound them almost on a daily basis. I don't like the sound of racoons with distemper, nasty, we don't have racoons, we have the blue mountains Panther and the Puma big cats but I've only seen them in animal prisons (Zoos). You have the grand daddy of them all, Bears, thank goodness we don't have Bears, if a Bear gets hold of you, game over.


We need this 'Castle doctrine' I'd be all for this, I do not seek or wish to harm others, but there are people who operate on a completely different wavelength than I, some units enjoy harming others. There is no excuse either, I was bullied right through primary and high school because I'm unaggressive and slim, thankfully not short as well it would've been worse and my parents are a prime example of people who should not have been parents but I turned out just fine, I have a high emotional content of empathy and pity, I can't even watch clips of people doing stupid things resulting in minor accidents, most people get a laugh out of them, however this goes into a swift reverse when dealing with evil. Depending on the level of evil, some of it needs to be dealt with, with maximum prejudice, just give me 5 minutes alone with Putin.

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I had my fling with alcohol when I was in the service..... but, one bad experience taught me that wasn't a good idea.... so, no more alcohol for me. :) I may drink one or two craft beers in a YEAR.... and I have to admit, they DO taste really good on some of the burning hot days we get.... but, there is no alcohol in my house, that I am aware of. :) (there might be some wine coolers out in the fridge in the garage, that my granddaughter bought.... (she's 27) but, they have been there for some time..... and I am NOT tempted.) I did smoke weed for a LONG time though, but, I don't even do that any more. Lungs can't take it. :) I am, however, a confirmed nicotine addict..... I smoke half a pack a day or so.... and have for decades. I have tried numerous methods of quitting, to no avail. I find the side effects of the drugs used, are far worse than smoking could ever be.... (nightmares, loss of clarity of thought, etc.) So, still a smoker.


No bears where I am, thanks for little favors. :) Further north though? Yep. Don't hear about 'em often, and usually it boils down to stupid human tricks, when someone gets hurt/killed by a bear. We do have coyotes..... I hear them around here at night, but, haven't actually seen one in person, and I've been here for ten years....


Haven't seen too many coons around of late either... Guess they finally figured out that DOGS!!! live here, and it simply isn't safe. That, and the outside cat the wife had been feeding died... so, there is no free lunch out there any more. (that attracted all manner of critters...... coons', possums, etc.)


I don't have any real wish to harm others either. I DO, however, have a very strong wish to prevent others from harming those around me, and I will take whatever measures I deem necessary to accomplish that goal. Fortunately, that hasn't been an issue... One of the reasons I LIKE living out here in the sticks. :) It's quiet, and pretty safe. Even the wildlife is pretty mild....

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I do smoke tobacco as well, as you say I would class it as the most addictive substance on the planet, the previous federal government in Aus thought it would be a brilliant idea to slap an ever increasing tax that rises 5% each six months thinking it will FORCE people to give them away, the current price of a rotten packet of 20 cigarettes here is close to $40, the pouch tobacco is close to $100 for a 25 gram pack, daylight robbery, I'm forced to break the damn things open and smoke 'em via a pipe to stretch them out which is worse for health and I'm not young either. Even more ridiculous is the price of nicotine patches here, more expensive than the cigarettes! Result, go to the counter, see patches are more expensive, buy cigarettes instead. I have also had numerous attempts to give them away, succeeding for a time but ultimately failing. Weed is out of the question unfortunately, it's illegal and a criminal offence here plus it's far too expensive, because it's a black market substance the quality can vary from flying high to tobacco painted green lol. The biggest no of all is Aus police now have a roadside saliva test and it's extremely unfair, they also know this, but they keep doing it anyway, you see unlike a breathaliser test which measures the actual level of intoxication for alcohol (.05 and goodbye license, below that you're ok), if these things merely DETECT the presence of THC, in minute quantities, even if you had THC up to five days previously and the effect is long gone, goodbye license anyway. They test almost everyone who is randomly pulled over every time, no matter your age or appearance, out come the blue rubber gloves and you have to put this filthy thing into your mouth and lick it, then wait 15 mins for the result, said tests cost them $40 a pop and I can't help but mock them, "no problem, I will be happy to waste both our time and $40", It's degrading and un hygienic to me, regardless of those gloves.


Aus is great, but at the same time over controlling in some areas, if weed was legal and you could go down the shop and purchase I would have 3 problems solved simultaneously, I have SEVERE Insomnia and vivid nightmares, every time I sleep, it would heavily reduce the smoking of tobacco, assist greatly with the insomnia and completely silence the vivid dreaming, that'd bring maximum joy, just a bit of decent sleep. There is medical cannabis tincture prescribable by a doctor, but you need better excuses than I have, like a condition such as epilepsy, but it contains CBA that doesn't get you high anyway, it can be prescribed to minors. But really, insomnia and vivid nightmares are pretty debilitating if you suffer with it. People who don't suffer from these things have no pity, I have to wait until I'm nodding off in the chair before even contemplating bed, otherwise I just lay there the whole night with my mind racing until the birds start chirping. Sometimes I can remain awake for 48 hours straight and I'm not young, it doesn't make sense. My record is 4 days straight, not a record I like setting and it's going to knock a good 15 years off my life expectancy for sure but not much I can do. I've tried tons of supposed sleep methods that don't work for me, Aus doctors do not prescribe heavy medications as they actually have to apply to the federal government for permission to do so and they don't like doing it, see what I'm saying with over control? not even a doctor can operate freely, all that's available to me were these useless blue things the equivalent of lollies that needed a prescription, that have now been approved to sell over the counter at a chemist. On top of all that, I awaken at the drop of a feather so I need to run heavy duty white noise (a very loud fan) in order to stay asleep. I also live on a street that is a thoroughfare road with trucks and traffic.


Now if I was to throw a couple of plants in the yard, the neighbours would trip themselves up racing to the phone to put you in, don't believe that Aussie mate crap you hear, I'd awaken at 5am to coppers banging down my door (if I didn't awake to that, it'd be them standing over me in bed because they've pounded the door clean off it's hinges) they'd be in FULL riot gear, armed to the teeth, I'd get pulled out of bed, handcuffed, whilst they were at it they would destroy my home searching it, for good measure take all devices capable of storing information, taken to the station and be charged with possess and use 'a drug of dependence', cultivating and even without proof trafficking, even though it would be for personal use, so I can only say I'll have none of that.

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Wow, and I thought the US was bad. :)


The government here tried taxing cigarettes out of existence as well, but, not to the extent that Aus is.... A bag of cigarette tobacco went from 6 bucks, to 29... overnight. However, Pipe tobacco didn't get hit with the tax, so, the name on bag changed, but, the product inside did not..... :) So, for less than ten bucks, I can get enough tobacco and tubes to roll about a carton of cigarettes. (200 or so.) I can live with that. Pot was only decriminalized here relatively recently..... When I was a heavy user, it was indeed quite illegal. :) Of course, that never really bothered me. :) (and yes, I did jail time for that disdain. :) ) Its decriminalized now, and rumor has it, the federal government is considering legalizing it.... The way Michigan handled it though, was just stupid. Prices for legal pot are higher than what you can get on the black market..... and quality is on par with the legal stuff. (some better, some worse.... some, the same stuff you buy in the legal store....) But, it's the government, so, I EXPECT them to screw it up. :D

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Less than 10 bucks to roll a carton, wow, I'd be looking at well over $300 in equivalent. Ah, there's a difference for the better here, correct me if I'm wrong but you get locked up instantly for everything in the U.S. yea? even minor things like pot as you said, no instant prison here, you can be thrown in what's called a lock up at the cop shop for drunk and disorderly for 24 hours but only if you are difficult and resist or are offensive, if you're drunk as a skunk but non offensive you will just be ordered to go home. For a minor criminal offence such as weed you are charged, printed, do a statement then allowed to go straight back home afterwards, we only get instantly locked up for hard core offences like murder or 'terrorism', even assault you get sent home after being charged. Home raids are different, they'll hit your house like a bloody SWAT team no matter what it is.


Damn brother, served in the military, whacked into prison over weed, shameful thing to do to you, I'd be very unhappy with that. Least the law has woken up to itself there, I'm still waiting for Aus to wake up with this trivial rubbish, not in my lifetime most likely, as you know, politicians only goal is votes, it's not a voting point, so it's ignored, now if half the nation voiced otherwise they'd get it moving along.


Many years ago I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, at a friends house along with several other friends who's ex housemate was done for signing false checks, for leniency he put his ex housemate in for having a grow room, we were all affected by THC lol and playing "killer Instinct" on the nintendo, it was 4am and there was loud banging on the door, we all looked at each other in horror, we knew, no one got up to answer instantly so we were warned "Police! open the F*****G door now!" someone did and they came flying in, 11 of them, one of them was holding a sledgehammer, one an axe (for the door if we didn't open it). Everyone was ordered to sit down with hands behind heads, because of the bag of weed sitting on the table every soul was charged with 'possess and use a drug of dependence', the owner of said grow room was charged with 7 offences. All of us were hauled to the cop station, I was handcuffed (way over the top for a skinny stoned 20 something) one of the coppers looked at me and said "so, pretty good gear mate? you look pretty smashed" "yeah" I replied, to which he replied "not as good as what I smoke hehehe", I thought you a**hole! They let me go to sleep in the charging room for a bit, then during the charging process I was asked one of the most ridiculous questions to be asked, "Would you concur that cannabis is also known as pot? among other things?" "yeah", "what other names do you know it as?" I rocked out as many as I could and they all had a good laugh about it. We were released but had to wait for the grow room owner who was still inside, sitting in a friends car waiting for him we looked at our blue charge forms and realised they'd put the court date as the previous year!, we immediately tried to get outta there pronto before they realised but just as he started the car out came the coppers, took us back in to correct it. End result was a court appearance to which the judge stated "why are you even here?" was over within 5 min and was ordered to 'donate' $125 to the local hospital with NO criminal conviction.


I lost all respect for coppers after that, the whole thing was a joke, after that I set about studying my rights to know exactly where I stand as a free citizen with no convictions so I cannot be subjected to things that I do not have to do, such as giving my details as a pedestrian committing no offence, if it is dark they will sometimes pull over, ask you where you're going and what you are doing then demand your details, you do not have to give any details unless under arrest or driving a vehicle, they are also light on manners, when pulling you over they have a habit of addressing you as 'mate', they are immediately met with "Uh uh, don't you call me mate, I'm not your mate, you shall address me as Mr. (surname) or sir, thank you" I have also witnessed them breaking the laws they enforce on the road. They don't like it when a citizen knows their rights and can politely defy them in some cases, but they can go and whistle dixy as far as I'm concerned, its been over 30 years since I was subjected to that raid rot and I have a memory like an elephant. :smile:

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Whether you go to jail and stay there or not, depends a LOT on where you happen to be. In some places, if it isn't a violent crime, (murder, assault, etc.) you don't even have to pay bail. In other places, yeah, pay the money, or sit in jail. .... even for minor offenses.... Drunk driving? For the most part, you spend the night in the drunk tank. They let you go when you are more sober. They may or may not give you back your car...... (if they don't, gotta pay the towing and impound fees to get it back.... which a fair few folks can't afford. Those cars are sold at auction once or twice a year..... Nice racket for the county....


Here, for the most part, the cops are reasonable. (at least, the ones I have dealt with....) I have found that the cops here are mirrors. If you are reasonable, so are they. If you aren't...... well, they aren't either. :) Of course, most of the cops are young enough to be my friggin' grandchildren...... I haven't gotten a traffic ticket in decades, even though I have been pulled over several times..... Mostly for speeding... 10 or so above the limit. :) Got pulled over in the work truck one day, after a LONG day of installing computers at a theater.... (point of sale) I had one of my co-workers was with me. I think he was like 17 at the time, and he absolutely PANICKED that we were getting pulled over. :) I told him to relax.... and find the insurance and registration papers for the truck, and had 'em ready for the cop. When he asked if I knew why he pulled me over, my response was: "I suspect you think I was making too much headway." Which got a chuckle out of him..... I explained to him that we had been on the job since like six in the morning, we were tired, had a bit of a drive, and just wanted to get back to the shop, and go home. It wasn't my truck, and it drove MUCH nicer that mine, and I didn't even realize how fast I was going, until I looked down when I saw him..... He went back to his car for a few, came back, handed me my papers, told me to drive safe, and slow down, and sent us on our way. My co-worked was flabbergasted that I didn't get a ticket. :) I just smiled. The funniest part? On the SAME day, our boss got pulled over as well. He got a ticket. :D When my co-worker told him our story.... I thought I was gonna get fired. :D


Of course, there was another occasion... Driving back from Cincinnati, (about 5 hours south of me.) on the freeway, driving my Trans Am, not much traffic, so, yeah, I was speeding.... Big time..... Started coming into some slower traffic, saw lots of brake lights, so, slowed to the speed of the rest of traffic. There were half a dozen cop cars on the side of the road, and of course, one pulled out behind me. So, pulled over, got my papers ready, and figgered 80 in a 70? Yeah, I can talk my way out of this, no problem..... Then the cop walked up to the car, and the first thing he said was: "Do you realize the AIRPLANE clocked you at 108 miles per hour in a 55 zone?" Nope. not talkin' my way out of this one...... Yes, I did indeed get a ticket, but, I think it was like 125 bucks. Which was a LOT less than I expected..... They also told me I couldn't drive in Ohio for 90 days. :) (I live in Michigan) When I went to pay my fine, I asked for my license back. The lady told me that it was suspended, so, no, you can't have it back. I informed her that it was suspended in Ohio. I can still legally drive in Michigan, and she needed to give it back. The lawyer standing next to me, (no idea who he was, wasn't my lawyer, I didn't have one.) nodded his head and told her "He's right." So she gave me back my license. I had had the foresight to bring along another driver, as I figgered it was gonna be necessary..... so, he drove us to the Michigan border, I drove home from there. :D

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Sounds the same as here then, concerning being pulled over, give them lip and they'll rip into you, be polite, you're alright lol, can't help myself when they call me 'mate' though, especially if the cop is young enough to be my son :smile:


If we lose our license for speeding here it counts for the entire country, all states, full stop, the fines sound lighter there, we have a leeway of 2km per hour, you read that right, 2. That meagre amount over and it's instant minimum 275 buck fine, last time I was fined years ago that is, it will be alot more now, 20 over and sayonara licence, I don't know how difficult it is to get it back, never been done for 20 over. We also have 'demerit points', you start with 12, any road offence takes x amount away, around 3 or 4 at a time, depending, they restore over time but if you lose all 12, adios licence :smile:


We also have speed cameras stationed all over the place ready to nab you, as well as 'wannabe' cop ordinary citizens given permission by cops and stationed on the side of the road with a supplied camera also ready to nab you, a time back I was in a company work utility and spotted one of said wannabes up ahead, nobody likes them, made sure I was doing plenty under the limit and silly me, very silly, gave him the finger with huge grin on the way past, in a vehicle with company insignia plastered all over it, :smile:. Next day I was heading back into town in the utility, spotted the oncoming squad car ages away, slowed down a tad to be sure, was well under, they passed and I watched them in the rear view mirror, they smoked 'em up doing a U turn, on went the lights and pulled me over, came at me with "in a rush are you?" now the limit on the freeway is 100km per hour and I was well under, plus the work vehicle has a governor installed to stop you doing over 100km per hour, not possible, anyway, the copper told me I was doing 119km per hour, "no, not possible it's governed" I said with a smile offering the keys with "here, test it for yourself" He said "no, you were doing 119, would you like to come and look at the readout on our speed cam?" ""no because it's false" I said, shouldn't have said that lol, "are you calling me a liar?" he asked, rather harshly, I paused and thought, don't do it, you want too but just don't :smile: so I didn't. Was a 765 buck fine thank you very much, wasn't till I got home that it clicked, he said 119, that's 1 km per hour away from losing my license (no leeway) and maximum fine, why? because I gave their wannabe the finger of course and he noted the vehicle and told them, so they punished me for it :smile: corruption at it's finest, worked most of the week for jack shite. EDIT I'm going to go silent and back to just lurking, I've been posting flat out and I've been mentioned in another users post even, thanks for all of your brilliant replies brother, it's been a pleasure, over and out :smile:

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What? Do folks think you are talking (typing?) too much? :D


You don't get to go to court and dispute traffic tickets??? We do here. We used to be given a leeway of 5mph for speedometer error. Not sure what it is now.... if anything at all. Speedos have gotten a LOT more accurate in the last several decades. :D Of course, mine is somewhere between 10, and 17% off, due to oversize tires.... but, I am aware of that, and drive accordingly. Cops around here generally will ignore you if you are doing less than 10mph over the limit. Broach that number though, and yeah, you are going to have their full, and undivided attention.


Yeah, fines there are a LOT more than they are here.... I think I would have to be doing well over 150 in a 70 zone to get that kind of fine..... But, my truck won't even come anywhere near that, at least, not with ME driving. :) So, no real worries there.


Here, you GET points for traffic violations. Collect 12 in a year, and your license is suspended for anywhere from a few days, to a few months. They also dissipate over time. I think that interval is 3 years. (from when you got the ticket.) When I was doing the long drive to work thing, up REALLY fun roads, driving a REALLY fun car.... (yep, bad combination.....) I managed to collect 23 points in under two years. My license was only suspended for 3 days..... I was stunned. :) But, for a while after that, I couldn't do ANYTHING wrong in a car, without a cop being right there handy to give me a ticket for it. Even failure to use my turn signal at 3:00AM, in the middle of nowhere, with not another car in sight. The cop was parked at an electrical substation. Probably eating donuts...... :D

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I'm a bit sensitive and retreat at what I perceive as even the slightest rebuke for a short time but then the anger takes over and I'm all better :smile:. I shall continue typing (talking) to you :smile:, as I appreciate intelligent opinions and wisdom of the world as it truly is, it is rare, so many people just don't seem to care about what's going on behind the scenes and don't want to know either, you have the most accurate view of politicians and agendas I've seen in years and can place it into words far more fluently than I, my anger results in Neanderthal like typing which can turn people off. Just about everyone I know becomes irritated when you point things out to them (everyone I know that is). I like to think beyond what is presented to the public in general as it's all lies and deception to keep people thinking and doing what this world wants them to be thinking and doing and It pains me to see it, but many others don't seem to think so and just go with the flow, I don't, I don't think you do either. It's not anger at ordinary folk like ourselves it's directed at the people on this planet that have been given the power to make decisions on all of our behalves and not a single one of them has been / is worthy of doing so. My powerlessness adds to the anger, not a damn thing I can do about any of them, just a single man, a clearly EVIL man at that, can somehow accumulate enough power to decide the fate of entire nations and the leaders of democratic countries have been asleep at the wheel for decades and have let this happen. Look at Russia and China as just 2 examples, there are more, but they are the 'loudest' one's at present. The majority in Taiwan have made it more than clear they do not want to be part of China, yet ONE single man is telling them no, you will be, because I say so, this is MY will, this is BEYOND appalling and needs to be dealt with NOW, not wait until the murdering starts. My heart bleeds for Ukraine, many innocent people have perished for the will of ONE single man, just seeing poor innocent people having their lives taken or displaced by ONE man is hard to cope with but anger is far more productive and less debilitating than depression so I keep angry, I am thankful I have total control of the anger and channel it but most people don't like anger in general even when it's appropriate, if more people were were an empathetic angry we might get something done collectively, but using one of your quotes, collectively humanity is a box of rocks, collectively we have no empathy, no pity, no care, to use my own quote, collectively humanity is as useless as a hat full of assholes. If anyone doesn't like my angry posts then DON'T read them or feel free to block me, simple, solved. :smile: So to you brother, not over and out :D


It's not just politicians that are a big fat lie, just about everything is, look at Earths history, some over privileged people know the truth that is hidden from the masses regarding these things, all those ancient monuments are there as proof, namely the pyramids among many others. Even Antarctica holds great mystery as there's something there as well. I ponder these things, but the truth would be better than pondering or blunt lies, I am immune to these lies because of logic and evidence that I can plainly see with my eyes. Pyramids built by slaves in the 26th century B.C.? my bum, I won't type all the evidence against this, It amounts to an essay, but it's irrefutable, one tiny piece blows it all to oblivion that is water erosion at the base of the Sphinx. I also ponder Mars, the person(s) who see the real un obfuscated photos are very privileged indeed, what proof is there of something they do not wish to share? The obvious obfuscation, of course, which they do not do a good job of it's plain to see. It wasn't always a barren rock according to the latest science, as little as 2 billion years ago it had oceans and a decent atmosphere and most likely even a magnetic field like Earth has, might be dead now but it once wasn't. There are some pretty remarkable pics that somehow got through the obfuscation, If I had my way I would disband NASA, they are of no use, fed by taxpayers who foot the bill for mostly lies and deception it's not fair. Even the European space agency (ESA) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have sent an orbiter to Mars. they are also in on it, all their info is also full of obvious deception. Can't trust no one, there's a slight chance if Musk sends an orbiter but most likely not, I'd have to bloody well just go there myself, not happening of course, but I'd soon wipe the deception and tell the truth, people deserve to know. There's a great deal at stake though with truth, the subject we are banned from debating on Nexus is one, making humans realise there's a much bigger picture than just this pale blue dot (Thank you Carl Sagan, he is solely responsible for giving us that pic) I hope this interests you as well and you don't think I'm just a conspiracy theorist clown, I need solid evidence to form an opinion and there's plenty for the subjects mentioned. That'll do for this particular post brother, it's almost the size of a novel :D

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Yeah, I have very little use for politicians. Of ANY party. They are all equally criminal, liars, thieves, and various other insults. :smile: They campaign on the premise that 'they will be different', and that lasts about a week after they are elected, then, they are just like everyone else there. So, my goal, what little I can contribute.... is to keep a balance. I don't want EITHER party to have complete control of government. That's just a bad idea.


I suppose I am just old, and cynical. :smile: I gave up caring what other people thought of me some time ago. It really just doesn't matter. The folks I deal with on a daily basis know who I am, what I am about, and accept me. I don't do public much, I have no real use for it. (that, and I have health issues that complicate matters.... :smile: ) I am perfectly happy hanging out around the house, playin' on my computer, or doing the various things that being a homeowner requires. Currently, I have a dead tree layin' in the yard, that I need to address, but, it's not in the way, winter is coming HARD, so, not real high on the priority list. :smile: Just need to winterize the various equipment, put the batteries on trickle chargers for the winter, and find out if the shop that has one of my tractors has come to any conclusions...... Need to get my truck into the shop as well.... Last time I got gas, a fair bit of it ended up on the ground..... the fill tube has finally rusted to the point that it needs replaced. Need the 4 wheel drive fixed, and see if they can find the misfire I have been experiencing. We havin' fun yet? :D


Politicians are of the universal belief that their constituents are idiots, and wouldn't know what to do with the truth, if it jumped out and bit them.... Of course, for the most part, that isn't too far from the truth. I have always been of the belief that here in the US, yeah, we have some pretty bright individuals, but, taken collectively? We got nothin' on a box of rocks. The folks in congress haven't had an approval rating much above 30% for DECADES, yet we continue to put the same do-nothings back in office. It is patently obvious (to me, at least) that our government isn't in the business of doing what is best for the country, they do what is best for THEM. If you ain't rich when you go to congress, you sure are after being there a year or three. Look at Obama.... he was worth maybe a couple hundred thousand, if that, before he went to DC, now, he owns several multi-million dollar properties. He sure didn't get that money from his salary... Where did the rest come from? Yeah, there's a question we will NEVER get an answer to.


I am also of the belief that there is some sort of 'field affect' around the washington beltway, that as soon as you enter it, your IQ starts dropping..... That would sure explain some of the utter pap that comes out of there.


I really don't expect us to last much longer though. Given some of the stupidity I have seen in various governments, and the sheeple not sayin' boo about it...... the writing is on the wall. If Putin doesn't get us into a nuclear war, and essentially end the human race, politicians in general will be the death of us all. I already see a LOT of parallels with the Roman empire, and their collapse. We are doing a lot of the same things, and I expect the same results. I just not real excited about living thru it, or even living long enough to watch it happen.... Nope. I would much prefer to live my quiet life, and the world can go to hell in a hand basket without me. :D

Edited by HeyYou
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