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No looting/inanimate interactions while armed (immersion related)


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The title basically say it all. There are certain immersion mods that cause you to go through an animation while looting or doing other things such as Immersive Interactions. However, these animations can be bypassed and you would loot as per normal if you are currently in combat mode. Kind of kills the immersion that you got the mod for in the first place.

The idea behind this mod idea is that you would be forced to be unarmed before you could do things such as looting or lockpicking or just any action that requires the interaction with an inanimate object, meaning you can still talk to people while armed. That interaction type should be left alone.

What about opening doors? I don't know if this could be scripted or not, but something that says if your right hand is available you may open doors, or maybe have it unequip your right hand on first click, then second click the door opening animation occurs and/or you enter the next zone if it's a transition door, then the weapon previously in that hand auto re-equips. Also, maybe for certain doors like temple doors, you could have an animation where you kick the door in instead of disarming a hand. That could be interesting. Have it play to the noise factor as well and wake any nearby sleeping draugr/unaware bandits. However, for temple doors opening quietly, it may be better you just enequip and maybe a new animation that is a 2 handed push on the double doors would be immersive. I always thought shouldn't these doors be heavy? They certainly look heavy.

Lockpicking takes two hands so forcing unequip would be necessary much like flipping large levers or some of the other 2 handed animations for interactions.

Even for mods such as PC head tracking and interactions mod where you hug your friends sometimes. Are you going to hug friends with a fire spell and a sword in your hands? I mean, maybe... but doesn't seem very safe to me. Gonna cut someone's ear off. Inigo would not be pleased.

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