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Can I slow down loading screens?


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I'm new to Dark Souls. The loading screens go by before I can read them. I've tried googling for a solution, but the results are mostly people freezing on loading screens, etc., not something relevant to me. I haven't played the console version, so I actually care what's on those loading screens. I don't want to have to Wiki everything, at least not on my first playthrough; I'd like to get the game experience the way the artists designed it.

Anyway, is there any way to make the loading screens wait for input before disappearing? I tried searching for mods with "loading" in the description, but nothing comes up.


edit: On second thought, I'll just Wiki. My honeymoon period with the game is over. The melee combat is truly innovative, but the time sinks and gambling aspect are cheap ways of tricking players into feeling "rewarded" through cognitive dissonance. I still want to finish it, but I don't care so much about getting the purest game experience, etc,. anymore.

Edited by Morsk23
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