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Weird bug regarding Dual Wield Parrying


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Happens to me in ustengrav depths, even though I saved the instant I walked into that cell. (I might have died, reloaded and overwritten that save though because I was testing lighting mods there and made a few overwrite saves there) I mainly play in third person so I don't notice it often, but i've noticed it quite allot recently, and I'm on a pretty fresh save and a whole new mod setup though, (Switched to mod organizer)

(Never noticed it before recentlly though, been using 3.1 for a long time.)

Edited by EmeraldShadow
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I guess this has been completely abandoned, but I'm still going to post what I've figured out about this bug.


- It happens in both the original DWP and the reimplementation by ragnaroklucifer.

- player.recycleactor "Fixes" the bug (this console command causes other issues though afaik), but it changes the sound affect when you bash an object from nothing to some sort of iron hitting sound (Not the same sound as the double-attack though). EDIT: This does not work, it just seemed like it did because it unequiped the spell from the left hand (but visually the flames were still appearing)

- It can happen in cells that you've never gone to before (and it will happen 100% of the time in that cell). It depends on with what save you use to enter the cell though.

- a small % of the time the character will do a regular bash instead of a doubleattack bash (it doesn't break 100% of bashes attempted).

- starting/stopping the dualwieldparryingsksequest (or in the case of the reimplementation, dualwieldparryingquest) does not fix the bug.


I hope someone who knows more about modding than me is able to figure out the issue, because dual wield parrying is one of my essential mods but this bug pretty much destroys it.

Edited by EmeraldShadow
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