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Add compass marker for lootable bodies


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I've been streaming New Vegas on Twitch for the past few weeks with Stewie's Tweaks installed, and one of the features that that mod offers is that enemies that have been recently killed but not looted have a gray tick on the compass. It really helps me, because I want to get as much loot from each encounter as possible. I've looked, but I can't seem to find anything like that for Fallout 4. I know there's a mod to give unlooted corpses the same effect that you get on living enemies with Orange Mentats, but that's not really the implementation I'm looking for.


Having a marker on the compass appeals to me much more. It could be as simple as having a gray version of the standard quest marker or enemy indicator, or it could be a unique icon, perhaps a skull (to symbolize the corpse) or a bindle on a stick (to symbolize the loot).


If this sounds like an interesting project to anyone, I would be happy to help you test whatever you come up with. Just send me a PM.

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