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[WIP] Capture Xenon Destroyer


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I've just made an experimental mod that allows you to capture the Xenon's K Branch 9 destroyers.


The highlight? After you capture it, the Marine Officer moves back to the ship along with the marines, and the captured ship gets a full complement of 5 star "crew" to operate it.

(Think of it as "we gave the Marine Officer some AI/AGI modules slaved to the Skunk to slap onto the destroyer's core systems after blasting their way to it" or something along the lines.)


The boarding routine works for any ship that you can capture but doesn't have any docking ports for the player.

(Technically, the Xenon destroyer wasn't capturable, but anyways...)



Currently, the only "problem" left is that the Xenon destroyers do NOT have any construction drones onboard to repair the damaged subsystems, so you're stuck with a half-dead destroyer, probably in the middle of Xenon central.


There are 3 solutions to this :

1. The "Hull Engineer" mod allows other capships with construction drones to do a remote repair on it.

2. Make it so the Xenon destroyer starts off with construction drones. (This'll make the fights a bit harder since it repairs itself now.)

3. Add a few construction drones on top of the 5 star "crew". (...So...your destroyer is stronger than before? Wait a minute...)


Taking suggestions on which solution to choose, and if I should add the drones, how many?

(...Or, I can just release all 3 versions, and just take suggestions on the number of drones to add on the versions that need them.)

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o.0 I just started fighting these guys tonight and tough they are. I would really like to see any version released, I am using the hull manager, 5 star crew, besides the drones can be added via saveeditor also i believe, oh and lets not forget one of my favorites right now is the repair lazer weapon mod.

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