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More FallUI Icons for mod/CC added power armors


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There are many great power armor mods on the nexus, but none have the icons, or at least none that I could find, that are usable with the FallUI (or other item sorting mods). I know this can be done using the generic PA Helmet, Torso, etc, icons, but with model specific makes them the odd ones out by using the generic icons.


For example, the T45, 51, 65, X01 and Raider have model specific icons, but mod added ones, Like the T47, X02, Hellfire and many others are be stuck with the generic Power Armor icons.


I've tried my hand at making this myself, but it doesn't seem to like to work for me, so I figured I'd throw this idea out there. I'll keep trying to get it to work properly and update this thread if I do get it working.

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