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Expanded Strip/gambling mod


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To start off, i just want to say i'm a big fan of poker, i really like card games and usually find them a lot of fun to play. Because of this, I was rather interested in the Strip when i started playing New Vegas. I was hoping that there would be alot of variety in between the Casions and games that were incorperated seeing as the game was more or less centered around the city and the cash gambling makes it. I was rather disapointed that the game only had in place Blackjack, which gets rather boring with time, roulete, which has never really interested me, and Caravan, which i, and no one i know has been able to figure out. i'm proposing a mod that expands on the amound and type of gambling that will happen in the strip. most of the casinos have at least a few empty tables, and with the GECK, it would be easy to add more as needed. if i was proficient with modders resources i would have started work on this my self, but i'm just starting to make interiors and companions with the GECK, and would like someone to tell me if this is even possible with the a game like NV. if it is, i'd really like this to come into existance, if for nothing else, than an immersion booster.



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