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Nornalhorst Ayleid Ruin


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In the first zone of the Ayleid ruin of Nornalhorst, above the second set of stairs, there seems to be a MISSING cell(a roof pane) to be exact. I have deleted my character but it may be that I myself have disabled it by accident. I was wondering if anyone has the missing reference ID or Object ID.


To be as specific as possible, it is the second set of stairs to the right the overhead walkway and the missing roof pane/cell is right above the top of those stairs, the one in front of the pane holding the welkynd stone chandelier. The stairs themselves will take you to a welkynd lit hallway.


Here are the object ID for the ones surrounding it.


000a43ab the one behind with the welkynd chandelier.

000a439d the one in front of it.

000a43b0 to the left

000a43a1 to the right.


The missing cell/roof pane in in between these one. Can anyone please find the object ID # for me?

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