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OK Menu/Reputation crashes


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Hello everyone, started playing New Vegas again recently and got a few big mods. Everything is working fine for the most part and I only get the occasional random crash but I've now discovered there are a few situations that will always crash the game, so I'm looking for some help. All instances involve pressing OK on a menu and 2 of those involve reputation.


The first I found was after launching the rockets at the end of the Repconn mission. I launch them, watch them fly off then a menu pops up saying I'm idolized in Novac, I press OK and it crashes.


The second I found was when talking to Doc Mitchell about getting Cyberware installed, he reads the book, a box pops up saying he can now install Cyberware, I press OK and it crashes.


The third was shooting a random settler in Goodsprings, box says I'm reviled, crashes.


So anybody able to spot what in particular might be causing this?


Here are the mods in use (no problems/conflicts found in BOSS)




Big thanks to any one who spots what I've goofed!

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Very hard to read that list ....is that from NMM, also cant copy paste from that to ask questions.....but looks to me you have Wrye installed and working..(bashed Patch FTW)


Post a Load order from Wrye, way easier to read.. :smile: When on the "Mods" tab right click the top header (where it says File) click "List Mods". A window will pop up ,all you need to do is close it , Wrye already added the Spoiler Tags and placed it in the Clip board. Then just right click in your post here and "paste" and it will magically appear. All neat like with {xml] and {spoiler} if you don't want the colors, remove both xml & /xml and just leave the spoiler tags.


I notice you don't have all the DLC's make sure none of your mods require any you don't have.


When making your bashed Patch are you checking each choice on the Left side then looking on the right side to see if anything is listed.?


When you run Boss, is it giving you the Bash tags? For instance, you have "A world of Pain(Preview).esm BOSS should have given you 2 Tags for that mod {delist, Invent} you can check this by ..Open Wrye FlashNV , then once on the Mods Tab.....click on the mod and then look to the lower right corner ..>> says Bash Tags.


BOSS is another way to post your Load order .


You have enough Major Mods (PN, AWOP, War Zones among others) are you using the 4GB loader?


I would venture a guess at the Menu stuff you have running. Are you using Uhud to blend all the Hud stuff together?


What is, 1c - pnvprojectnevadarebalan....



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Hey thanks for responding. I have pasted the mod list from Wrye below.
No I don't have any DLC's but have made sure to use all the correct no DLC plugins and compatibility patches for all required mods. Boss does indeed give tags, made sure to tick them in the Bashed Patch. I also use a 4GB Launcher that is compatible with the ENB I'm using (ENHANCED SHADERS - ENB 173)
1C is another ESP that came with Project Nevada, downloaded through NMM.
So here's those files.
Active Mod Files:

00  falloutnv.esm
01  CaravanPack.esm
02  CFWNV.esm
03  AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
04  More Perks.esm
05  Primary Needs HUD.esm
06  Project Nevada - Core.esm
07  Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
08  Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
09  WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm
0A  SomeguySeries.esm
0B  NevadaSkies.esm
0C  FCOMaster.esm
0D  Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
0E  Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
0F  The Mod Configuration Menu.esp  [Version 1.5]
10  The Weapon Mod Menu.esp  [Version 1.2]
11  populatedcasino.esp
12  Project13 - Populated Wasteland.esp
13  Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
14  Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
15  pnv.esp
16  pnvprojectnevada.esp
17  NewVegasBounties.esp
18  pnvnvbount1.esp
19  NewVegasBountiesII.esp
1A  More Perks Update.esp
1B  Better Binoculars High.esp
1C  pnvprojectnevadarebalance.esp
1D  Vurt's WFO.esp
1E  Alternative Start.esp
1F  EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp
20  Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp
21  CFW-PN.esp
22  FCO.esp
23  FCO - OnHolyServiceBound NPC's.esp
24  Omegared99 - Enb Transparency Fix.esp
25  Bashed Patch, 0.esp

These are the mod files unrecognised by BOSS:
SomeguySeries.esm Active
NevadaSkies.esm Active
FCOMaster.esm Active
Alternative Start.esp Active
EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp Active
Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp Active
CFW-PN.esp Active
FCO.esp Active
FCO - OnHolyServiceBound NPC's.esp Active
Omegared99 - Enb Transparency Fix.esp Active


Thanks again for getting back to me, here's hoping we get this solved.

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Oh hang on! After you mentioned uHud I thought I should go back to messing with that as it would make sense if it's a menu related problem, I had reinstalled it before except didn't overwrite one file in particular as I thought it would interfere with PN but as it turns out I was a dope, overwrote it this time and now it's all working!

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Oh hang on! After you mentioned uHud I thought I should go back to messing with that as it would make sense if it's a menu related problem, I had reinstalled it before except didn't overwrite one file in particular as I thought it would interfere with PN but as it turns out I was a dope, overwrote it this time and now it's all working!

All that, and its one line that clues ya in...lol. "Are you using Uhud to blend all the Hud stuff together?"


Since you do use bash, and that is a tough one to crack, i will try to clue you in to what i do to have BOSS sort those UNrecognized.....Buckle in, it WILL sound confusing, but once you do it, and see BOSS do what YOU asked it to do you wont turn back.


Lets take "NevadaSkies.esm" as an example. The reason it is not sorted, is that in the "Masterlist.txt" (what BOSS uses to sort) NevadaSkies.esm has a SPACE in in it so it doesn't find it. Open "Masterlist.txt" found in......."" \BOSS\Fallout New Vegas" Do a search for "Nevada Skies.esm" <<<<with the space. IF you add a line and paste in the NevadaSkies.esm it will be found, and sorted as they, (BOSS devs) ment it to be. Mine now looks like this...


Nevada Skies.esm
SAY: Edit by Darkness

Yes one could just delete the Space on the existing line and be done, but i try not to mess with whats already in the list!


I had 14 UNrecognized mods and by careful searches in the Masterlist.txt i have placed all my mods where they would have been.

Search for ....."Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp" it wont be found....shorten it to ....."Project Nevada - EVE" and we find it in the Section for special cases for WMX....so this is what i would put.

Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp<<<<<This line IS in the "Masterlist.txt"
REQ: EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp<<<<<<<so is this
Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp <<<<<this line you add
REQ: EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp<<<<<you know it requires this file to work.
SAY: Edit by Captane<<<<<<<i add this because that way I know I added it!!! course i use my name not yours...lol BOSS will print that as a NOTE:
IF you notice bash tags for a mod, you can also add them. For instance..
TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}}

The above IS in the masterlist.txt but the NO dlc is not, so i would go ahead and place it just below, add the Bash tags, My SAY: and if it had any REQ: so my edit would look like...



TAG: {{BASH: Graphics, Sound}}

REQ: to not have any DLC

SAY: I added this because i can!! Edit by ME! <<<,BOSS will print what ever you put after either REQ: or SAY: i kept the indents same as the rest of the list!


Hope this was not too confusing. This works, don't let the size of the file scare you, most mods have a variation of what you are looking for , like i said careful searches will put you in the proper place in the list. I made a backup of the Original in case i messed it up, I also have a back-up of my edits in case BOSS decides to update!! Works great and Boss will always sort the same and I get my Bash tags!! For each mod i would click my way all the way to the end and find every instance, paying attention to what sub section i was in, and pick the best choice. If you find you placed a mod wrong then you can easily move it to a new location. Type careful as typos DO matter...lol.


You can also use the BOSS GUI.exe (found in the BOSS folder) to create user rules, i found it harder to place mods where i wanted and you don't get to add any Bash tags!! Do i know what mods require what Tags...No i just copy what the Devs already have for the mod in question.


Why would i ever do this.....once you have hand placed 14 mods and then decide to ADD one more mod, BOSS your list and have to re-do 14 moves in the list or get confused with 14-15 User rules...you learn!! :smile: OR you can leave them all after the Bash batch but we know that will never work, especially if they could have bash tags!


TL:DR lol...I know long winded way to say ...Open "masterlist.txt" dig around, do what the Dev's did and place your mods, BOSS will sort them now.



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