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ENB Standard


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Fellow ENB modders & users,

It is known to me that many of my additions to great work of Boris Vorontsov are used in vast numbers of presets. There are also fantastic pieces of code by Kyo, ZeroKing, HD6 and many others, that are widely used and appreciated. People often asked me to make merges between different presets, which is very difficult, if one want to achieve best from both settings, not worst. To avoid that I want to start porting various effects to separate FX files in a easly usable form. Thus, I need feedback from You. I know that some of You may already tried to do so, which is good. All the more, I would hear from such modders. In this case wide disscusion is needed. Should anyone have personal thoughts that want to share, PM me.


Your humble servant,


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  • 2 weeks later...


I've made one : Hybrid Enb :smile:


Could You describe the idea behind Your work? A basic concept?


As the name suggests, i used mutiple Enb i mean i merged them, not the code only different files. Used the enbeffect, enbeffectprepass from skyrealism for the main shader. Used Realvision enb for extra post process effect - SweetFX, effect.txt..................(BF3 preset enabled). We can always use different files from different enb like this.

To update the codes for latest binary, i just add new parameters from the new versions of enb (Currently it supports v0.250). Edited Enbseries.ini and Enblocal.ini for custom configuration. When i update the parameters, it will work fine as long as the supported d3d9.dll file is present. Rest of the things are independent, you can use whatever file you want from any enb preset - Enbeffect.fx, enbeffectprepass.fx, enbsunsprite.fx, enblens.fx, enbbloom.fx.................all the .fx and .txt files. After that we can tweak that files as our own need :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got 1000 downloads, so I can comment, yay!


I think this is a great idea. Most ENBs that I have seen either have their code in the global namespace or in the pixel shader. If that code were to be wrapped in functions in header files, as a standard, then it would be much easier to pick and choose amongst them and build combinations.


Here's a relevant topic from the ENB forums:



If the code were structured in functions and headers, then maybe an exe program that can build the various ENB files from a a set of user selections. I think this would also make it so less ENB presets are released and the authors of the actual code get the credit.


I am planning on writing an exe to try and merge my Enhanced Night Eye for ENB into an enbeffect.fx file. I have been doing it manually for people, but it should be easy to make it automated if the enb file to be merged into uses the standard variable names.

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