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How to edit markarth clouds?


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Hi guys....(and girls).... I need a little help with a mod I am working on.....


I need to find a way to edit the clouds on the mountaintop at markarth but I'm having a hard time even finding the object for it in the creation kit (if it even has one...) . I have found a ton of SkyrimCloud objects (and the clouds themselves seem to be angle-dependent as the SkyrimCloud objects but I might be wrong...) but I fear it doesn't help me edit the clouds specifically over the markarth mountaintop. I know the MarkarthWorld worldspace has an option for a cloud model if I untick 'Use Map Data' but I don't know what other changes it would bring and if they would be unwanted....and even if I did I don't know how I should go on editing them and in what kind of format...( In Maya? 3DMax? NifScope? Other?) ....Or maybe the clouds are actually somehow coming from the skybox and I need to uncheck 'use skybox' but then how would I patch things up so I would not brake playability in markarth?.....so many unknowns.... system breaking down.....beeeep.....error error......need help please.....


I hope someone could share some insight into cloud editing in skyrim.... even if it doesn't directly link in to my problem.... I simply can't seem to find information about it anywhere on my own ( lame? :smile: NO!!! just a little slow sometimes maybe....)


Thank....well.....anyone who has some knowledge about this.... Thank you very much in advance :smile:




Hi.... forgot.... It would be also immensely helpful if I could just clip them somehow (specifically just them...not the landscape and such...) .... would an occlusion plane or something more advanced like that (which I know nothing about :smile: ...but will try to "get a clue"... ) work with only the clouds? or maybe even if I could somehow find them in TESVEdit... Thanks again...


EDIT #2:


OK.... I finally had the guts to disable the 'use skybox' and the clouds came from there....it got rid of them.... but how do I not get rid of them that way? is there any other way? I don't want to get rid of the dragons.... and just an area of clouds - not all of them.... is there any way?

Edited by rockyourazz
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