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Editing the "Ancient Technology" Quest (help request)


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Dear all,


I am currently in the process of creating a crossbow overhaul mod. I've got all the crossbows made, they've got all the required recipes, they've got all the right stats, they're all enhanceable, and all temperable. They've even been distributed through leveled lists. I've even disabled Durak's lines about Dawnguard exclusivity. For all intents and purposes the mod is ready to go, apart from one thing; the Ancient Technology quest now has redundant stages because I've made all crossbows craftable at any forge, as long as you have the relevant perk, therefore you gain the base Dwarven crossbow recipe once the Dwarven Smithing perk is taken.


I've set all Enhanced recipes to require just the first Enhanced Crossbow stage of Ancient Technology to be completed, and also to have a base bow in your inventory (i.e. you need an elven crossbow to see the enhanced elven crossbow recipe). As long as I don't touch the Ancient Technology quest itself, all is good. However, it all falls apart if I disable the DwarvenCrossbow and EnhancedDwarvenCrossbow aliases, to the point the quest simply won't work. Nothing registers in the journal, nothing. I am a rookie modder, I haven't ever tinkered with quests before, so I'm asking for direction; how do I disable parts of that quest, and move some the dialogue around without breaking everything?


Thanks for any help.

Edited by Daiyus
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