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Skyrim Nexus is not letting me download anything


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Hello there. I'm just writing this because Skyrim Nexus is not letting me download anything, like I said above. I download everything manually, and I don't have the mod manager. I don't want it before someone asks.


Basically, when I click on the download button it just takes me back to the same page (mod description) only farther down the page. I am getting frustrated because I am able to download anything on my laptop computer, but nothing on my desktop. It doesn't work no matter what browser I use (firefox, chrome, etc.)


If someone could help me, that would be greatly appreciated. I use avast as my firewall.


Thanks again.

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It's mostly because I am unable to download it. When I hit the link to get it up top, it just does the same thing as when I'm trying to download mods normally. Either that or it simply does nothing. I have to use my laptop to be able to log in or get anything, and I find that a big hassle when i'm trying to get mods.


Secondly, I know how steam and BOSS work, but I don't know anything about NMM, seeing as I have never used it. I'll admit I'm not very knowledgeable about computers, I'm just trying to grab the mods that I cannot find on the steam network.


Thank you for the quick reply, but that only works on occasion. I'm been trying to grab different mods all night, and reloading hasn't helped very much.

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