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Re-populating Cyrodiil


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Okay, so I was walking around Cyrodiil, when i realized 'Wait. Half these houses are empty'. After you finish all the guilds and the main quest, theres a bunch of empty houses because their inhabidants either moved out/died/were killed and I think they need to be reinhabeted. By these houses i mean Applewatch, Ontus Vanins house, the abandoned house in Anvil, and a bunch of other places from misschelanious quests (The Jemane homes in Chorrol and Cheydinahall are both left abandoned, Glarthirs house, and that drunk guy from Cheydinhall are both abandoned too). And mabye re populate the DB sanctuary. And the Bruma Mages guild. ANYWAYS i have very little modding skills, and i believe i may need a scripter so they can do stuff.


So if you want to help or take this mod yourself, it shouldnt be too hard.


Okay, so heres whats done so far:

Green = finished

Orange = being worked on

Red = not started on yet


Imperial City

Matthias Draconis’s House

Jackben, Earl of Imbel’s House

Agarmir’s House

Umbacano Manor

Lorkmir's House



Gweden Farm

The Seatub Clarabella



Ungolim’s House



Jearl’s House

J’Gahsta’s House

Arnora's House

Bruma Mages Guild



Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

Aldos Othran’s House

Guilbert Jemanes House



Chanel's Castle Quarters

Valus Odill's House

Reynald Jemanes House

Francois Motierre's House



Alval Uvani’s House

Blackwood Company HQ



Weynon Priory


Harlun's Watch

Hackdirt <-- It's not gonna be repopulated, it'll be a ghost town.

Water's Edge

Wellspring Cave

Cadlew Chapel

Roland Jenseric's Cabin


Knights of the White Stallion Lodge

Shetcombe Farm

Lord Drad’s Estate

Bleaker's Way

Border Watch

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Sounds like a good idea. :) If I'm not too busy next week, I think I could give it a shot. ;D


[EDIT]Re-populating other mods is a little harder though. We'd have to make a seperate version of each of these mods because .esp files can't be used the same way as .esm files.

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Okay thanks. As for the Bruma guild restored, i saw that. Figured if we're doing everything else, we could just do that too.


@ Pronam- I know thats not nearly it, i'm kinda busy right now so i can't write out a list right now. Plus I wanted to see if any one would help/do it. I'll try to do some tonight.


@ Argomirr- That'd work. A little more work, but still would be nice. Re organizing furniture i mean.


And another idea, some houses where you killed people could be haunted, like mabye Baelins grandson lives in his Bruma house and when you talk to him he says he could never move Baelins old chair and his son reports hearing a crash and finding blood near the chair. And in Summistest manor, the owner see's bodys and hears voices saying "Wheres the gold? The gold and the key!"

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I just started working on a list, but first: Didnt get any feed back on the give someone else your position idea. Would that be too hard? For example, i could go make tell Raminus Polus he's the new Arch-mage and he'll don the Archmage robes and start going to his quarters. Same with Methredel (For the Theives Guild) Arwenial (For the dark brotherhood. I dont think thats her name but close enough) Modryn Orewyn (For the Fighters Guild) and Lathon (For the Knights of the Nine). You couldnt really name a new daedric prince, so we'll just have to live with being Sheogorath.
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That'll be bit strange compared to the purpose of the mod...

But that put aside, it seems best to start of with the ones that are gone in vanilla and then think about doing others things. Otherwise people might not want to download it as that is changing the lore.

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