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Combined Workbench/Toolkit Repair


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I, for one, yearn for the day when item repair in the later Fallout games does not hinge on the contrived notion that, while certain vendors can repair absolutely anything without a like item on hand, the player is forced to destroy one item to repair one similar.


With that being said, there are numerous mods available that do give the player a better, more immersive means of repairing their equipment, but they are not without drawbacks.


There are a few that allow one to use a workbench or an anvil to make repairs, but they still cost money, even if they utilize the player's own repair skill.




I understand that the monetary cost is a means of gameplay balance without the need for expendable items. Still, it is unimmersive because it's nonsensical that it would cost money.



Another workbench-related repair mod improves the character's repair skill when in proximity of a workbench, which I find to be really neat.



Some add craftable and/or purchaseable repair kits to repair items. The gameplay balance comes from the consumption of the repair kits, instead of money.






However, they leave workbenches neglected.



My idea is to utilize both workbenchs and tools, combining concepts of the above listed mods into something more true-to-life: using tools in conjunction with a workbench to facilitate item repair.


Part 1:


Option A: There would be a separate inventory item that, when activated, opens the Vendor Repair interface (minus the player having to spend money, of course).


Option B: The repair interface is opened from repair kits, themselves, found in the “Aid” section of the inventory. (Given that they are expendable, I wouldn't think it possible.)


Option C: The repair interface is opened from the workbench. (There seems a plethora of other mods that use the workbench to open their own interface, so this option seems likely more likely to conflict with them.)


Part 2:


Option A: Repair kits are functional on their own, but used in proximity of a workbench improves the effectiveness of the repairs. i.e. repairing an item to 100% requires fewer “Uses” of a repair kit, meaning that more items can be repaired before the repair kit is consumed.


Option B: Repair kits are functional on their own, but they are not expended, at all, when used in proximity of a workbench.


Anyway, this is what I could come up with. Hopefully, this will garner the interest of one or two others, but I'm would be surprised.


Note: this isn't intended as a dig at the mods listed above. I'm merely using them as references. In fact, I have most of them installed.

Edited by Jambo11
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I think people care, but there are 2 limitations. Time and Ability. If you have the time you probably don't have the ability and if you have the ability you probably don't have the time due to other current modding endeavors.

Still, you give some good ideas for modder's to either work on independently or in conjunction with their current mods. One of the problems is the proximity idea. The GECK, if I am not mistaken, would have to rely on REF id's which very few Workbenches in the FO3 world have assigned. That is why you have to click on a Workbench to make it work. I am incorporating repair kits into my mods update and you have given me some ideas though. There are a few mods that add tools such as soldering irons and ohm meters. Perhaps they could be items you purchase to increase the effectiveness of repairs or repair kits.

Also, are you saying that repairs via vendors should cost money and like items?

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I think people care, but there are 2 limitations. Time and Ability. If you have the time you probably don't have the ability and if you have the ability you probably don't have the time due to other current modding endeavors.

I would trade away half of my mechanical aptitude if could even write a script. Sadly, all I can manage to do is modify preexisting ones and/or use them as a template. Even then, I still can't figure out how to make an "Empty Bottles" mod.


Still, you give some good ideas for modder's to either work on independently or in conjunction with their current mods.

I appreciate that. Maybe all I need is a ghost (script) writer, so-to-speak...heh heh


One of the problems is the proximity idea. The GECK, if I am not mistaken, would have to rely on REF id's which very few Workbenches in the FO3 world have assigned. That is why you have to click on a Workbench to make it work. I am incorporating repair kits into my mods update and you have given me some ideas though.

Well, one of the mods I listed above actually improves one's Repair skill when in close proximity to a workbench; I have it installed and, thus far, it works flawlessly: every workbench I've come across improves my repair. It even has a little message in the upper lefthand corner that indicates when you gain/lose the workbench proximity benefits.


I don't recall the amount by which it improves Repair, but the fact that it functions is certainly good news for my repair mod idea.


There are a few mods that add tools such as soldering irons and ohm meters. Perhaps they could be items you purchase to increase the effectiveness of repairs or repair kits.

True. A soldering iron would be excellent for use in conjuction with repair of energy weapons and/or power armor. It would actually make a clever activator for initiating such repairs.


Also, are you saying that repairs via vendors should cost money and like items?

No. When I referred to the "Vendor Repair interface," I only meant the interface, itself, as opposed to the repair interface when a player repairs an item on their own.

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I think people care, but there are 2 limitations. Time and Ability. If you have the time you probably don't have the ability and if you have the ability you probably don't have the time due to other current modding endeavors.

Still, you give some good ideas for modder's to either work on independently or in conjunction with their current mods. One of the problems is the proximity idea. The GECK, if I am not mistaken, would have to rely on REF id's which very few Workbenches in the FO3 world have assigned. That is why you have to click on a Workbench to make it work. I am incorporating repair kits into my mods update and you have given me some ideas though. There are a few mods that add tools such as soldering irons and ohm meters. Perhaps they could be items you purchase to increase the effectiveness of repairs or repair kits.

Also, are you saying that repairs via vendors should cost money and like items?


The idea is interesting.. I too in the mod I am creating have an expendable weapon repair kit, it would be easy too set it up to where on consumption it would add it back into your inventory, thus giving you the appearance that the kit repaired the weapon without using another item....


Or in the script you could do something like:


short repairskill


on activate workbench

set repairskill to get repair skill

get equipped weapon base ID

remove item base ID

AddItemHealthPercent Weapon 1 repairskill



This obviously is not the actual code that is used to do it.. but basically how you would get the workbench to repair the item based on your skill level...

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